I have been searching for ways to increase my chances of being selected from SFAS and continue on. That info is not hard to find and has been great. Now, I am looking for ways to increase my chances to get selected for my first choice, 18D. The info I have found is located below. I want to make sure my sources are still viable considering the time frames and also to have them checked for general correctness. So far I have come upon a few ways:
"MOS Allocation"
"Those candidates selected for further training are assigned to one of the four 18- series MOS, either 18B (Weapons Sergeant), 18C (Engineer Sergeant), 18D (MedicalSergeant), or HBE (Communication Sergeant). The soldiers are typically asked for their MOS preference, but at least until recently, their preference did not carry much weight in the MOS assignment process. Soldiers typically have been assigned to the 18D training if they had GT scores above 120 and/or had any medical, science, or math back- grcund. A GT of 120 or above means that the soldiers selected for 18D training are at or above the 84th percentile. To further ensure that only soldiers with the highest intellectual abilities are sent to SOMED, the Wonderlic intelligence test is also used in the MOS allocation. "
Analysis of Special Forces Medic (18D) Attrition - This was from 1994 as you'll see. Not sure if things have changed. (My GT is 113 and placed in the 79th percentile
. I have a semester to finish Assoc. in Bio and 2 more years to finish my Bac. in Biochem with Medicine specific core curriculum. EMT as well.)
Other forums have referred to the GT score but the background education went both ways.
18D qualified [Archive] - Professional Soldiers ®
NG had some info on their site but the GT score to "qualify" was 110. Obviously the higher the better.
I also read that you can reclass? This just mentions it briefly.
18D reclass question - Professional Soldiers ®
"MOS Allocation"
"Those candidates selected for further training are assigned to one of the four 18- series MOS, either 18B (Weapons Sergeant), 18C (Engineer Sergeant), 18D (MedicalSergeant), or HBE (Communication Sergeant). The soldiers are typically asked for their MOS preference, but at least until recently, their preference did not carry much weight in the MOS assignment process. Soldiers typically have been assigned to the 18D training if they had GT scores above 120 and/or had any medical, science, or math back- grcund. A GT of 120 or above means that the soldiers selected for 18D training are at or above the 84th percentile. To further ensure that only soldiers with the highest intellectual abilities are sent to SOMED, the Wonderlic intelligence test is also used in the MOS allocation. "
Analysis of Special Forces Medic (18D) Attrition - This was from 1994 as you'll see. Not sure if things have changed. (My GT is 113 and placed in the 79th percentile

Other forums have referred to the GT score but the background education went both ways.
18D qualified [Archive] - Professional Soldiers ®
NG had some info on their site but the GT score to "qualify" was 110. Obviously the higher the better.
I also read that you can reclass? This just mentions it briefly.
18D reclass question - Professional Soldiers ®