Spotting Scopes / Range Finders


Verified Military
Mar 25, 2013
Maine - York County
I am looking to upgrade our spotting scopes for the sniper team for our regional SRT in Maine. The department does not have a lot of money to shell out for these items. I am looking for your suggestions on spotting scopes that are waterproof/fog proof with decent glass and a decent priced range finder. Any information is appreciated and will cut down on the selection time.

Have you had a look at DRMO? One of the blanket counters on here can explain how it works better than me but its essentially old .Mil kit that LEO depts can pick up and put on their books.
DRMO's a decent spot to look, I don't know your exact requirements but given the general "quick and close" LE sniping role, just a 10X binocular Laser Rangefinder would probably fit the bill. You're going to range all the various firing/egress points right off the bat to determine any adjustments necessary from a generally static "good shooting position" and then any decent spotting scope can serve the role if you really need that 60x to be able to see things.
Picked up mine at Bass Pro. Its one of their brands. Been working good for years. As for a range finder I have one from Bushnell. Not too pricey and good enough.