Stalking Mishaps

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Anyone ever on a stalking lane and done something so completely retarded you either fell down laughing, or gotten trashed for what seems like forever?

Today I tried to turkey peek by climbing about 4 feet up a small tree, I pulled out my binos and burned a window through the tree. For about one second I got my eyes on the silhouette of the truck, when the branch I was laying on snapped, and I fell flat on my face. :doh:

anyone got any similar experiences?
Not stalking per-say...

Leading a patrol (all comm guys doing cool-guy training) through Gimbaru Training Area on Okinawa, late 80s. Late at night, little illum, no NODs. I stop the patrol because there's a sudden drop off ahead. I look across using my peripheral vision and realize it's a ditch, as I can see the other side about three feet away. I step back, tell the patrol leader what it is, that I'm going to jump it, recon the other side, then call for the patrol to cross over. I take a good leap and fall about six feet down. Come to find out it wasn't a ditch but a drop off into a field and I'd been wrong in seeing a ditch. I was lying face down in this field laughing my ass off (after I recovered from the impact) and behind me is the patrol leader (six feet up) going "psst. Psst. PSST!"

When I talked to everyone else after the patrol, they said all they heard was me hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, then start laughing like crazy. They had ZERO idea what was going on across the "ditch".
RS Florida....Kid stepped off into a hole in the shwamp.....disappeared like a heavy turd in a sea of muck.....just GONE...

RI sloshes up, pokes around with his walking stick, reaches in and grabs the kid, pulls him up spitting and blubbering....
Loss of depth perception in darkness can spell real trouble, and once I came real close to learning that the hard way while getting used to NODs. Nearly impaled on some re-bar in a bombed-out ruins. Only here today, 'cause a buddy caught me as I was teetering!
Loss of depth perception in darkness can spell real trouble, and once I came real close to learning that the hard way while getting used to NODs. Nearly impaled on some re-bar in a bombed-out ruins. Only here today, 'cause a buddy caught me as I was teetering!

Absolutely. I fell in a hole that was not much wider/deep as me, but luckily for me, my chin was cushioned by my SAW :rolleyes:. I spent the rest of that exercise feeling blood dripping down my shirt. I have a lovely scar as a reminder.