SWCC Question

Jesse Conroy

Feb 23, 2015
Borderlands of Utah and Colorado
This SWCC promotional video, produced by the Navy - at 03:11 - the Operator communicating says " .. primary xxx .." it's the acronym immediately following the word primary that I have not understood. I understand the intent, but I would appreciate someone in the SWCC community clarifying for me the acronym used. I have had a number of responses from among my friends who are ex-Military, but since every answer has been different, I really need a SWCC guy to explain it. If you please, gentlemen ..

Thank you
Why does the acronym matter? Is it going to help you train harder? Do you think that will be a board question and they will be so impressed you know what that acronym was that they will immediately select you?

If you "understand the intent" what's it really matter? It could just be a unit specific term that they use. You're on a wild goose chase with no real benefit.
Hello, AK. I a a writer. Looking to "get it right, from an SWCC point of view. The intent in the video is clearly a shorthand acronym that confirms 'where' a hot extract will rendezvous. I'm hesitant to make up 'stuff'. I want to understand this one so I get it right.
He's writing a fucking book or something.

Mr. Conroy, you should stick to writing books that you know something about. If you think there needs to be some kind of SWCC story or article that has very specific language in it you should join up and become one to better get the SWCC experience. I can tell you right now that your story is going to suck ass if you are tied around the axle about an acronym in a youtube video. Do you know what a flower pot is on a SOC-R. Do you know what what the stainers are? Do you know the capabilities of a SOC-R in waters of varying temperatures?
To write something worth a fuck you need to know more than just the things you can dig up on youtube. If your sources are recruitment videos and a forum where there are very few SWCCs (who aren't willing to talk to you), wiki, or anything else other than the real deal then good luck.
Writing a book about SWCC from the Great Basin of the United States? I assume you are writing this book from information solely gleened from the internet and unverifiable sources through electronic communication. I just find it moronic to write a book about SWCC having never been one, met one, been in the Navy/Military.
Can yo get that this rubs me the wrong way?
Call SpecWarCom/PA and ask for a tour at NAB Coronado so you can talk to the real deals.

Easier then the hit and miss an internet forum can give.

Good luck.
I don't see the issue. If I want to write a book about Log Cabin Republicans I don't need to go out and suck a few dicks to understand what it's all about.