TACP..guard or active?


Air Force Security Forces
Verified Military
Feb 12, 2014
I would really appreciate some input from those who have "been there". I want the good, bad, and ugly on TACP life in both the guard and active duty. I'll hit my cross train window in about seven months, but will also be eligible for palace chase. This is a big decision as far as a family is concerned (don't have kids, but wife and two dogs), and I need to convey confidence in my decision for their sanity and mine. There are many pros and cons, so let's get them out there. The biggest advantage to guard for me is that you can go active at any time so long as your commander approves, if I understand that correctly. So, if I felt I did choose the wrong path, at least it doesn't seem inescapable. Forgive me in advance if this has already been discussed, I did not see a thread on it.
IIRC PALACE CHASE requires you to find a home with your current AFSC, wouldn't you need to find a Guard Unit willing to take you in (cop?) then move you to a different unit once you were established?

Cross-Training with PC a year or so later might be easier.
IIRC PALACE CHASE requires you to find a home with your current AFSC, wouldn't you need to find a Guard Unit willing to take you in (cop?) then move you to a different unit once you were established?

Cross-Training with PC a year or so later might be easier.

Not sure how it works with other branches but as far as Air Force goes, your contract is terminated when you pc, allowing you to elect a new afsc when you sign your new guard contract. Of course, there would have to be an opening at whichever base you request. This is how the recruiter explained it to me yesterday. But we all know how they can be some times..
It would have to be at the halfway point in your contract though for pc, which is the same time frame as cross training active.
IIRC PALACE CHASE requires you to find a home with your current AFSC, wouldn't you need to find a Guard Unit willing to take you in (cop?) then move you to a different unit once you were established?

Cross-Training with PC a year or so later might be easier.

I just understood what you were saying. I will be cross training with PC. Sorry, I should've been more specific. What I'm trying to figure out is if I want to stay active when I cross train or go ahead and PC.
I've been Guard for all my short time as a TACP, and I love it and there are a lot of guys at my ASOS that came here from AD that prefer Guard to AD. However, I was lucky enough to get offered a temporary full-time position once my training was done. If that doesn't happen, you would be stuck trying to find a civilian job or some other source of income. And jumping from Guard to AD is a bit more complicated than just getting your CO to sign off on it. So don't think you can go Guard and then just jump ship one day because you decide you'd rather be AD.
Thanks in advance for your input CDG. I don't want to blow up this thread with my own posts so I'll message you.
Thanks in advance for your input CDG. I don't want to blow up this thread with my own posts so I'll message you.

Join the TACP Mentor forum and then post in there. I'm sure other guys will benefit from the info.
Not sure how it works with other branches but as far as Air Force goes, your contract is terminated when you pc, allowing you to elect a new afsc when you sign your new guard contract. Of course, there would have to be an opening at whichever base you request. This is how the recruiter explained it to me yesterday. But we all know how they can be some times..
It would have to be at the halfway point in your contract though for pc, which is the same time frame as cross training active.
Which Recruiter?

I would take to an active duty personel guy/gal to ensure the recruiter is correct.
The good the bad and ugly huh? What afb are you at? Is there a ASOS nearby? Maybe you can call them and see if they will let you come over and do somethings with them. I know when I was in Koera we did that for a couple of guys, they would come do pt with us and rucks, we also took them out on air as well. I've been active the whole time 16+ years and where there times I've wanted to jump ship sure there were as the reasons CDG stated you may not get a full time position at the guard asos which i was unwilling to give up. Only you know the answer to what you want. Hopefully this helps.