TACP Guidance...Any and all you bros got

I finished my two years Commissioned Active Duty time in '69. I still had another four years required Active Reserve time. In '72, I decided to return to Active Duty and began the paperwork. I had pretty much pretty much the same headache you have run into. The paper chase took about 18 mos, my ace in the hole was Sen Jacob Javitts (R) NY to finally get some action. My lease was running out, second child arrived and there was no movement. I had to track where the paperwork had to travel. Then I had to find out where the paperwork was held up, I had a name and desk where the paperwork had died. That was I delivered to Sen Javitts, and a week later I got orders to report to USAF Medical Basic. It seems little has changed in all that time. It is pretty had waiting, and not knowing why.

Have you had a chance to look at the TAC mentor group yet? It may give you some idea of physical conditioning you need to focus on.

I was wondering if the fraud associated with your SSN was perhaps a case of idententy theft?

Hang in there.

Yeh its identity theft. That's actually what it says "extended identity theft"
that's exactly what I had to do pretty much, a bad Sargent in S1(paperwork handling) kind of just threw my paper to the side and ignored emails,calls, a lot of soldiers had the same complaint, she even lost sign in rosters and got a lot of people put on the other than honorable discharge grill. Horrible job handling. All and all reaching out to the IG got my paper to the CG, now I'm just nervous and waiting.
I plan on going active duty overall. TACP is what I really dedicated my body to, I can't sit at home and be part time, it's boring to me. The FED (Financial Eligibility Determination) basically credit check inquiry. A recruiter checked my credit(a favor before the 368 signed) and it states that there is fraud on my social.
Can you prove identity theft?
That would be another document I would take with me every time I saw the Recruiter or visited MEPS.

Finally, I know prior service has a limited amount of AFSC's to chose from; BUT READ YOUR CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING!!!

That last piece of advice saved my son's ass.
I'm going to wade in on this one.

Why the fuck do we need to be a dick to this guy? He said bro? Get over yourselves. This is a forum, not fucking Pike field, people use expressions that are common. If you judge people by their singular posts here YOU are the problem. This affects our membership, and is a huge turnoff. Knock it off.

Hard disagree. PM sent.
Yeh its identity theft. That's actually what it says "extended identity theft"
that's exactly what I had to do pretty much, a bad Sargent in S1(paperwork handling) kind of just threw my paper to the side and ignored emails,calls, a lot of soldiers had the same complaint, she even lost sign in rosters and got a lot of people put on the other than honorable discharge grill. Horrible job handling. All and all reaching out to the IG got my paper to the CG, now I'm just nervous and waiting.

I've been in your shoes, and understand the waiting game pretty well:wall:. I was glad to hear that Identity theft was the SSN issue. If you have any documentation backing that up, it should have gone foreword too. Keep us posted.
Finally, I know prior service has a limited amount of AFSC's to chose from; BUT READ YOUR CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING!!!

That last piece of advice saved my son's ass.

Do they open a limited number of slots up at once or do they trickle out over the course of the current FY? I don't know how that's controlled , but I bring it up so the OP doesn't think this will be a quick affair. It could drag on for months even with the right paperwork.
Do they open a limited number of slots up at once or do they trickle out over the course of the current FY? I don't know how that's controlled , but I bring it up so the OP doesn't think this will be a quick affair. It could drag on for months even with the right paperwork.

I believe it's all at once. It's easier if he's going Guard though, because then he's being matched against a specific slot in a unit as opposed to a TACP contract. I've mentioned this before, but when I joined, the AD USAF was 100% closed to prior service. I was told I could wait until October to check back. I contacted a Guard ASOS and was enlisted within about a month after doing the paperwork and passing a PAST.
Do they open a limited number of slots up at once or do they trickle out over the course of the current FY? I don't know how that's controlled , but I bring it up so the OP doesn't think this will be a quick affair. It could drag on for months even with the right paperwork.

FWIW - There are zero slots for this FY for AD to Cross train on all ranks.
Can't tell honestly, that's just for AD AF. Apply anyway and take the advice and apply to the guard as well. You may be able to do full time slots (AGR?) or opt in for deployments. If you really want it take the options you are offered. It may be where you are supposed to be at this point, hell you can get your degree or learn a foreign language while you are at it and set yourself up down the line. I heavily suggest learning a language, it's a great skill to have.
That's what I would do (or go Guard).
Slots drop in August IIRC, so stay friendly (drop in just to say hi) with the recruiter and see what happens.
Got it, not really interested in no kind of reserve or guard, AD is my only interest so I'll just linger till it's an open slot
I'll defer to @CDG and @DA SWO but I don't see the Guard allowing someone to go AD unless they've put in a few years. Maybe the ANG is different than the ARNG, but going Guard and almost immediately trying to go AD is frowned upon or outright rejected. A unit burns a slot (sometimes one you had to fight for) and the money (Guard funding is a different animal than Federal funding) only to see someone go AD within their first two years? A commander does not have to release you and a state (or unit) can drag its feet before finally allowing you to leave. A qualified body equals funding. A state cannot be paid for an empty slot.
I'll defer to @CDG and @DA SWO but I don't see the Guard allowing someone to go AD unless they've put in a few years. Maybe the ANG is different than the ARNG, but going Guard and almost immediately trying to go AD is frowned upon or outright rejected. A unit burns a slot (sometimes one you had to fight for) and the money (Guard funding is a different animal than Federal funding) only to see someone go AD within their first two years? A commander does not have to release you and a state (or unit) can drag its feet before finally allowing you to leave. A qualified body equals funding. A state cannot be paid for an empty slot.
No, we made a guy (one exception) deploy at least once before releasing him.
The exception is someone who has been mobilized, they can apply for AD on day 181.
Correct. You would have to put in some time before transferring. Honestly, you really want to be a JTAC before you jump. I don't even know if an AD unit would want a non-JTAC transfer.

I would advise the OP to go Guard. A lot can happen between now and when the next slots open. Something else to remember is how competitive the cross-trainee slots are. One guy I went through the Schoolhouse with had waited 5 years before he got a cross-trainee slot approved. That's rare, but the point is the same. If you go Guard, you get into the AFSC and start learning the job. You might get some good exercises, maybe a deployment, schools, etc. After a couple years, you jump AD if that's what you still want.