TACP: Marriage/family


USMC Combat Engineer
Verified Military
Jan 11, 2015
I am trying to connect with any TACP Airmen that are married with a family to gather information on their current situation. I am considering going for it at the moment but have yet to run across anyone. The decision is made for the most part, as long as the recruiter gives me the green light. But would still like to speak with someone. A little background on myself. I am a Prior Service Marine, 28 years old, married with a year old daughter. In the Marines I was a Combat Engineer and just recently graduated with my bachelor degree. I will be meeting with an Air Force recruiter tomorrow to answer the majority of my question. My main concern, however, is wanting to speak with someone that has dealt first hand with my situation or one similar to it. As far as physical preparations, I am currently able to do 20 dead hang pull-ups, 1.5 miles in 9:20, 65 pushups and unsure on sit-ups. I understand one cannot be fully prepared physically but Ii feel that is an adequate start. So, any married TACP guys out there? Tried the search option to no avail!
Is your wife capable of being an independent woman?
Ops tempo should be backing off a bit, but Iraq 3.0 is ramping up, and that will increase your deployment rate.
Have you looked at www.romad.com ?
The question has been asked numerous times on that site, register and use the search button before posting as most (all?) training/deployment/family life questions have probably been asked.
Good luck, wish I was young and still deployable.
Thanks, ill check that site out! She is very capable of doing It I believe. She has been through several deployments while I was in the Marine Corps, though there was no child in the picture. She says she is ready for it and willing to deal with deployments and such. But I will fir sure check out Romad and see what Income up with from over there! Thanks again.
A lot of the guys at my unit are married and have been through deployments. The OPTEMPO on the Guard side is slower right now, and even as shit ramps back up you can have a slower OPTEMPO on the Guard side if you want. Now, that may not hold true if we get into a major war again, but it was fairly true during IRQ/AFG.
A lot of the guys at my unit are married and have been through deployments. The OPTEMPO on the Guard side is slower right now, and even as shit ramps back up you can have a slower OPTEMPO on the Guard side if you want. Now, that may not hold true if we get into a major war again, but it was fairly true during IRQ/AFG.
He's looking AD if I read the OP correctly.
I think a lot of the future deployments will be luck of the draw as the Army tries to reset, and put out all the brush fires.
Correct! Im looking at Active Duty for sure! Spoke with a Recruiter today, and apearently TACP and CCT are both closed as far as prior service guys go from my understanding. PJ and a few others were open, so I might look into PJ or SOWT! My swimming is subpar so Ill have to work on that of course. This also means a much longer initial training period unfortunately.
Correct! Im looking at Active Duty for sure! Spoke with a Recruiter today, and apearently TACP and CCT are both closed as far as prior service guys go from my understanding. PJ and a few others were open, so I might look into PJ or SOWT! My swimming is subpar so Ill have to work on that of course. This also means a much longer initial training period unfortunately.
Have yo looked at the Guard?
PJ is pretty intense swim wise, SOWT not as bad.
SOWT is pretty intense from the math and science standpoint.
Have yo looked at the Guard?
PJ is pretty intense swim wise, SOWT not as bad.
SOWT is pretty intense from the math and science standpoint.
yeah, Im pretty dead set on active at the moment. My hopes is that by the time I have ran around gathering all my required paperwork a slot will open up. I wont be leaving anytime in the next few months (no earlier than 5-6 months from now) due to personal reason. So I have time to get things worked out. For now I will be training quite a bit in the pool since no matter what SOF/Branch I tried there would be some swimming for the most part. But of course, my heart is pretty set on AF SOF!