TACP version of Ranger school promo videos.

I liked the video and understood/appreciated the humor perspective in which it is oriented. Especially liked the I presume Aircrew Flight Equipment (1P0X1) specialist on the table in free fall stable arch position wearing an emergency bailout parachute system (0:23). Is this the new TACP female selection PAST screening standard? Curious as to why the chicks on the beach are wearing ROMAD on their bikini bottoms as ROMAD duty positions transformed into TACP AFSC back in 1977? :p Liked the Prince and raspberry beret bit (0:39).

The perspective offered about PJs doesn't need to drop bombs comment (1:48), although generally accurate and correct pertinent to supporting Army combat operations, "doesn't need to" is not an absolute accurate assertion pertinent to all operational capability mission needs. Reference CFETP -- http://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a3_5/publication/cfetp1t2xx/cfetp1t2xx.pdf -- page 33 required 5-level core skill task numbers (fixed wing) and (rotary wing). Different role and mission utilization driving a slightly different operational capability mission need.