That Sneaky Mossad Is At It Again


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006

Not even Jaws can escape the volatile politics of the Middle East. In the past week the Egyptian resort town of Sharm al-Sheikh has been hit by a spate of gruesome shark attacks, with one person killed. Authorities have been scrambling to reassure tourists that the issue is under control. But the shark is still on the loose, prompting some Egyptian officials to accuse outside forces of sabotaging the country’s booming tourism industry. In an interview with a TV talk show Monday, the governor of South Sinai, Mohammad Abdul Fadhil Shousha, came up with this gem: “What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark in the sea to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question. But it needs time to confirm.”

I did a 6-month tour in Sharm el-Sheik back in the late 90's. The water was beautiful- and full of sharks. I don't know why everyone is acting like they're surprised this happened. At least the tourists aren't getting blown up by land mines anymore.

If the Mossad did this, the sharks would have had lasers. Oh wait that's Dr. Evil.
I think it would be more likely that Mossad is putting something in the tourists food that makes them more tasty for the sharks. It's not the sharks or Mossad's fault that fat tourists taste so good.
Sharm was an awesome place to be a young, single infantry officer... all those Russian and European tourists and so little time...

Did I mention the topless beaches?
Yeah the Canadians were at the main base, I don't remember exactly where it was but it was in the middle of the desert. No beaches for miles. Hell of a good chow hall though.
There were a bunch of either Ecuadorians or El Salvadorans there too, they looked like bad asses. I stayed away.
"What is being said about Mossad..." Really? How can anyone keep a straight face over there?
I'm pretty sure it was the Mossad that put ill tempered Sea Bass into the Koi pond just outside of the Great Wall of China doubt an elaborate plot to destabilize the Chinese food stronghold in America.
From the Israeli Onion:
“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark in the sea to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question. But it needs time to confirm the yarmulke seen on it's head.”
I prolly know more than you do brother!;)


Yeah, I learned most of mine from my friend Seth Dubner when I lived on Long Island. I taught him all the Irish jokes. My favorite he told me was (we'll see if you know the punch line) what did the Jewish Santa Claus say when he came down the chimney?