The Air Force is reenlisting hand puppets now?

The guy is stifling a laugh at the start of the clip. Clearly it's an inside joke that's been released into the wild.
Well, let's make a mockery of the Oath of Enlistment and post it on the interwebz because... well, no reason other than we can. The friggin COL should be relieved and the MSGT should be relieved too. "But, I can't understand why people think the military is peopled with idiots... Let's make a re-enlistment video of a senior NCO with a hand puppet and a Senior Field Grade Officer."
Once upon a time, the US Military was focused on training and maintaining discipline!

Well, once upon a time...that is....
Lieutenant General L. Scott Rice (Director of the Air National Guard) issued the following statement:

“Many of you have seen and commented to me about the recent Facebook post of an Airman in our beloved Air National Guard, taking the re-enlistment oath while using a dinosaur hand puppet. I understand your outrage and frustration.

Let me say, I’m equally shocked and dismayed by this event that mocks such a cherished and honorable occasion. The oath of office or enlistment not only signifies our commitment to our nation, but pays respect to our fellow service members and to those who came before us. We as military members answer to a calling of service and represent the Profession of Arms. This action goes against our very foundation. Tennessee National Guard leadership is aware and addressing the issue.

This single act does not reflect the selfless dedication and professionalism shown everyday by the outstanding Airmen of our Air National Guard in their service to our great nation.”
People in uniform have been making dumbass videos ever since they figured out they could. Now it's like a contest to see who can make the stupidest one. This one was particularly disrespectful and asinine, considering the ranks of the two involved. Marines would never engage in anything like this.

The Officer is a douche, there are multiple photos of him administering oaths without raising his hand.
They are at the State Hq, so they are both Perfumed Princesses.
She has already put an "explanation" out, but witnesses say otherwise.
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During my years of service I was lucky enough to have some good men administer my reenlistment oath.

As disappointing at the hand puppet seems - that shit bird officer is reading the oath like it is the first time he has ever seen it.
My leaders gave me the oath by reciting it with their right hand raised as I repeated after them...

BOTH of these turds are amateurs
I did not notice the first time around, but you can hear someone “snickering” throughout the video in the background.

The Colonel (O-6) administering the oath was immediately retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (O-5).
At least these guys had the smarts to cover their THAT is funny!

At least they went with a pistol over a hand puppet.
... and his finger is off the trigger.

Glad the O-6 is now an O-5 (he's too stupid to switch to the IRR too).
She was a PA, which means she should know better.

I suspect she will retire as a MSgt, sucks to be her.

ETA: Task and Purpose has gone downhill, seems like they try to get worse on a daily basis.

The LtCol(R) has numerous videos/still of him administering oaths without raising his hand, that is unacceptable.
There are comments (on T&P) regarding underwater re-enlistments, etc. I am not a huge fan of the "humorous" re-enlistment ceremony, as there seems to be a competition to see whose can be more outlandish. Hopefully this starts a trend towards reining the buffoonery in.
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