The "Fake Racism" Thread


Sep 12, 2012
Not saying it does not happen, of course it does. But stories like the ones below, and women who claim being "touched or groped" equates to sexual assault do nothing but take the impact away from true-racism and literal sexual assault.

Sailor staged racist vandalism, Navy says
A sailor who claimed someone scrawled racial slurs on his bed aboard an aircraft carrier —sparking a viral Facebook post in the process — staged the incident himself, the Navy said Friday.

Air Force Academy cadet wrote racial slur outside his own dorm room
That cadet candidate is no longer a student at the academy's prep school.

Could cascade of allegations send #MeToo movement off the rails?
The criticism came swiftly last week after the Atlantic magazine published a writer’s account stating that Sen. Al Franken “groped” her in 2009 by putting his hand on her waist during a photo op, “grabbing a handful of flesh” and squeezing at least twice.

“I’m sorry, is that sexual assault now? To squeeze someone’s waist?” one Twitter user wrote.

“And this is your definition of a grope? Come on! This accusation trivializes real predation and abuse. Knock it off!” a woman echoed on Facebook.

“We are officially #offtherails,” tweeted another.
I've worked several in my area. It happens a lot more than people think it does. The problem is...local media doesn't push the story and the MSM never picks up on it because it is somehow muffled from their prying ears.
In my job I've had to deal with this various times through my career, either some one gets the wring signals or some one is a little too friendly to begin with.

I've had instances where it's been full on groping of the chest and other areas, to simply brushing past. Each instance is treated with the same care and concern as if it was the real deal (often times it is). However the difference between my job and what this has become, is that there is an extensive and thorough investigation done.

This is, this is not that, and while I don't condone any sexual misconduct intended or otherwise a situation like this can lead to serious allegations which may actually be false or malicious intent.

All in all its turning into a giant soup sandwich.
Fake hate crimes and assaults are becoming more and more frequently-reported. A few months ago there was the fake West Point rape case, that literally cost an innocent officer his general's star. Then there's this example, of "emergency hijab kits" for Muslim college women who were having their headscarves torn off by white racists... except that too was reacting to fearmonging about hate crimes that never even happened.
I think this is an excellent piece that summarizes the issue - and reflects my own views: Why the #MeToo Moment Should Be Ready for a Backlash

I think harassment and assault are huge problems - alongside gender politics, power differentials, and social norms in the workplace and academia. I also think due process is one of the bedrocks of any democracy - and social media lynch-mobs are not a preferred solution to any issue.
Interesting thread, I expect we'll see a few opinions and biases, and get to know one another better as a result. I once said 90% of human interaction boils down to rape, a bit of a throw away comment in a different thread, but I believe in it.
There are things you do to navigate through this lipstick covered pig of a society, which rotten bits are now mostly held by said lipstick. One of those being "going along to get along". Another is to simply say nothing. Yet another is to vote for whoever is expected to burn it down.
We have to have a name for every thing, and the smarter we become at debating, ie denying intellectual terrain to the other party, words have synonyms and antonyms, things are cataloged and categorized, ideas are reduced and managed into silence. Rinse and repeat.
If men are talking about harassment, the discussion often veers into anecdotes, civil/criminal cases, penalties and the justice system. In court is where you get to have your say.
Outside, in the 'real' world, is where you put or shut up, go along to get along.
Here's my bias as to this thread: I suspect that if female members venture into this, some will provide examples and anecdotes in support of the notion that the #metoo movement (to give it a name) is either fueling or generating false accusations aimed either at making money or bringing down some men. As for personal, scarring examples of abuse, there will be none, or they will be watered down versions.
Because frankly this isn't the venue to expose oneself, and courts of law have failed victims easily as much as they have redressed wrongs. Again, my opinion, and this is largely why more and more people turn and feed anonymously into the court of public opinion. Pour vivre heureux, vivons cache.
An experiment for straight dudes interested in understanding what the topic is about would be to move into a homosexual district and open their eyes and ears: get into the tank and see how to navigate it for even a few weeks.
An experiment in objectification.

My bias again: For all the false accusations, the made up, exaggerated, unsubstantiated claims, there are many more real, actual crimes committed whose victims will keep to themselves because exposing some scars only serves to inflame the tissue again, and it could be fatal. Maybe it's better than being told: you have this long to speak of it, in this place alone, and only within these circumstances and rules to get redress. Your day in court.

Good luck. My two copper pennies.
People like good ole Mayor O'Mary should be shamed for being so pathetic and in a position of leadership.

If that's the best he has to worry about, he doesn't need to be mayor!
Nothing racist at all here. My dad used to flash that sign as a game, and if he caught you looking he'd get to playfully punch you in the arm. That mayor needs to focus on something that will improve life for the people in his AO.
EDITED TO ADD: Subsequent reporting indicates that the mayor spoke out of turn and the officers were not suspended without pay, but are being “investigated.” The mayor says that was a “miscommunication” on his part.

This is quite important so all the outrage is minimized on the forum. Not saying what mayor did was right or wrong. Just bringing in some facts.
EDITED TO ADD: Subsequent reporting indicates that the mayor spoke out of turn and the officers were not suspended without pay, but are being “investigated.” The mayor says that was a “miscommunication” on his part.

This is quite important so all the outrage is minimized on the forum. Not saying what mayor did was right or wrong. Just bringing in some facts.

The fact is, the mayor told the world that his guys were suspended. The fact that there is an "investigation" at all over something so trivial and meaningless is reflective of his shitty leadership and worthy of our scorn.
Nothing racist at all here. My dad used to flash that sign as a game, and if he caught you looking he'd get to playfully punch you in the arm. That mayor needs to focus on something that will improve life for the people in his AO.

My 25-year-old does that to his little brother...apparently it's made a come-back.
That game is so pop-culture, anybody who doesn't know must live under a rock!

This whole sorry incident is indicative of the outrage-based culture that dominates America right now. It's a race to the bottom, and the "most oppressed" ends up with the most power at the end.
This whole sorry incident is indicative of the outrage-based culture that dominates America right now. It's a race to the bottom, and the "most oppressed" ends up with the most power at the end.

Yeah, and it's a knee jerk reaction. Ask a few questions and assess the situation before you holler racism and suspend people.