The next time you read a story about "the ugly American" making an ass of themselves across the pond


Sep 12, 2012
Remember this one:

British stag-do takes SEX DOLL to Ground Zero before 15th anniversary

A British stag-do caused outrage by taking selfies with a blow-up sex doll at Ground Zero on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

The group of men - who said they were from London - were eventually confronted by a police officer and asked to leave the area.

When asked what they were doing, a man believed to be the groom said 'it's just a bachelor party' before answering other questions with 'no comment'.

The sad truth of course is that I would be less shocked had it been a group of American men or just as likely a group of 20-something women with tiara-dicks on their heads.

I have been to many establishments in both Europe and Asia where Britons are refused service because of "stag-do" related incidents. The doormen flat will not let you in if they suspect you're from England, regardless of sobriety.

I've seen (and participated in) some over the top, alcohol fueled buffoonery, but none of it comes close to a Brit on stag-do.
The one time I was there, I couldn't believe the amount of street vendors and people asking for money. Truthfully I'm shocked that some American dumb asses haven't already done this.
No need to be a certain nationality to be an asshole, clearly. Whether it's Americans, French, British, etc. at Holocaust memorials, WWII memorials, Ground Zero, etc. it seems destined that at some point some grown ass adults will act like assholes.

Not sure why it's so difficult to act your fucking age and show respect. A million and one other places in NYC to act like a dickhead. I hope they weren't able to look that cop in the eye and left ashamed of themselves.
It absolutely does not surprise me that this happened at the Ground Zero memorial. I worked at an office near the site last summer, so I was in and around the memorial almost daily. I considered the site a place of solemn reflection; of hallowed reverence. The tourists, however, saw it as just another tourist site. Selfie sticks as far as the eye can see. People removing the flowers from the deceased's names. It was terrible. The people visiting the site have slightly more reverence for it than the overpriced hot dog they had for lunch.

Just gross.
Brits are a special bunch of twats though. Especially when it comes to stag dos.