The Special Forces Assn. Be Active and/or Join


Special Forces
Rest In Peace
Jul 16, 2008
Seattle, Puget Sound — PNW
I'm sure that most of the Special Forces soldiers here, who are members in good standing in the SFA are aware that the SFA has a website with forums for the membership to discuss SFA issues and general subjects, as well as many other things.

I would urge all members of the SFA, who have not logged on to the site, to do so ASAP. Members need to use and post in these forums. There are many things going on within the SFA at this time!

As long as I'm at it, I also suggest that if you haven't joined the SFA, I would urge you to do so. You can join your local chapter, if there is one in your AO, or you can be a member at large. I recommend that you join a Chapter and support it. Support your Association! :D

Link to website:
I'm sure that most of the Special Forces soldiers here, who are members in good standing in the SFA are aware that the SFA has a website with forums for the membership to discuss SFA issues and general subjects, as well as many other things.

I would urge all members of the SFA, who have not logged on to the site, to do so ASAP. Members need to use and post in these forums. There are many things going on within the SFA at this time!

As long as I'm at it, I also suggest that if you haven't joined the SFA, I would urge you to do so. You can join your local chapter, if there is one in your AO, or you can be a member at large. I recommend that you join a Chapter and support it. Support your Association! :D

Link to website:

Trip: I think the prevailing wind is to do away with or highly discourage "At Large" membership. That is one of the big issues that's being wrestled with in the current Constitution review efforts.
Simmerin' SigO:

I think you're right on that! There are many issues under discussion in the new Constitution review efforts. Some of it quite heated! :rolleyes:

That said, IMO, there is still a need for the Member-at Large status!

The main theme in my message as posted, is that any Active Duty, Retired or Special Forces soldier who ever served in the Regiment should join and support the Special Forces Association. :2c:
Simmerin' SigO:

I think you're right on that! There are many issues under discussion in the new Constitution review efforts. Some of it quite heated! :rolleyes:

That said, IMO, there is still a need for the Member-at Large status!

The main theme in my message as posted, is that any Active Duty, Retired or Special Forces soldier who ever served in the Regiment should join and support the Special Forces Association. :2c:

Yeah, Yeah - I'm going to help clean up after the picnic... quit beating me up about it.:doh::evil::D
Simmerin' SigO:

I think you're right on that! There are many issues under discussion in the new Constitution review efforts. Some of it quite heated! :rolleyes:

That said, IMO, there is still a need for the Member-at Large status!

The main theme in my message as posted, is that any Active Duty, Retired or Special Forces soldier who ever served in the Regiment should join and support the Special Forces Association. :2c:

Trip: You've read my Open Note on the other forum, so you know where I'm coming from on the SFA.