Time for a Hate Crime

This is an official thing in my area now, too. My own daughter was released from school early yesterday because of a report that someone claiming to be a clown was making threats against the school on a social media site. And no, I'm not kidding.

“In the past week, there have been reports in up to 10 states of people having frightening encounters of subjects dressed as clowns,” Bloomington police said in a statement Tuesday. “The clown trend isn’t funny. It’s an attempt to create fear in the community.”

"Extra patrols were sent to Bloomington Junior High School on Tuesday morning after a social media report that clowns were going to cause trouble, said Bloomington Police Sgt. Henry Craft."

Local Police Investigating Clown Sightings
A bunch of us, including me are joining with Kenny's pop to patrol the neighborhood during Halloween. Threats have been made towards kids around my A.O. We will be patrolling with bats and no doubt, some of us will exercise 2A rights. If you ask me, and I am sure some of you will disagree, oh well but I think we need a fucking purge. Too many fuck sticks around.

There's a twitter page called @ClownsSightings that posts user submissions of them getting video where they see a clown hankering around where one should not be at night. They keep the user anon but list the city and state of the occurrence. It seems very wide spread throughout the country. Makes me wonder if this is some sort of crazy viral marketing scheme for something coming out soon, nonetheless, threating school districts is no bueno and especially with the amount of kids going out for Halloween in a few weeks, it definitely needs hemming up.
I don't care if this is a grand attempt by Hillary to take our minds elsewhere, that used in conjunction with the hurricane she can shape our information narrative, what I care about it is WHY THE FUCK AREN'T WE KILLING CLOWNS IN THE STREETS?!?!?!?!? I'd form my own einsatzgruppe if I thought it would do any good.
These fuckers are all over Wisconsin too. Unacceptable. However, a firearm just doesn't feel like it would give me that great great satisfaction that I'd so desperately crave in my clown hunting adventures. I like this possibility...
