Trade/ Sell GG&G Accucam QD mount for Aimpoint T-1/ H-1

“The Old Man”

Bio/Rad/Nuc Defense
Verified Military
Dec 8, 2018
Right behind you
So I traded my ATN night scope for something more suited for the philosophy of use for my SA SOCOM 16. I am now in possession of a nice Aimpoint H-1. However the mount, although awesome, sits too high for me even with a little rise on the cheek.
So I'm looking to trade off said mount, a GG&G Accucam. I'll trade it for a low QD mount or a hundred bucks.

Mount.jpgHere is what I'd like to trade or purchase from the sale. It is the American Defense Low QD mount for an aimpoint micro T1/H1. BTW no lense caps when I purchased.Low Mount.jpg
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