Trump pardons ex-Army lieutenant convicted of killing suspected Al Qaeda terrorist in 2009


Sep 12, 2012
Say what you will about Trump (and we say a lot) but he certainly is a Military fanboy. Which I like....I think....but there is this tiny part of me that wonders if that is always a good thing?

I don't know, terrorists bad....Military good....thanks President Trump!

Or something like that.....why the hell am I conflicted about this Pardon?

Trump pardons ex-Army lieutenant convicted of killing suspected Al Qaeda terrorist in 2009
I need to read a little more on this... taking a dude that’s no longer going to be in your custody, stripping him, taking him alone to a secluded area, interrogating him at gunpoint then shooting him and claiming self defense after?

Am I missing something?
Not sure about the LT who got a pardon.

But this LT...

Hero or murderer? Soldiers divided in 1LT Lorance case

Should have gotten one first.

FYI: 2 of the dudes killed were
proven IED makers and anyone who gives a shit should not judge him on the Army Times article and jump down the rabbit hole on the kid. Just saying
That’s a better buddy storyline than Arya and the Hound AMIRITE?

But seriously OJ and Casey Anthony both murdered people.

They did, I believe that to the core. If we as people (not the forum in particular) are going to go down the rabbit hole of believing they killed people, but we'll give service members a pass solely predicated on "it was war" I think that makes us hypocrites. A lot of things happen in war that are justifiable, I totally understand that, I'm cautioing against knee-jerk exoneration just because a person wears a uniform and the act(s) occurred in theater.

I am genuinely concerned about placing our service members on such a high pedastal. The pendulum WILL swing the other way and when we no longer consider everyone in uniform a hero or warrior, that pendulum will swing hard, fast, and take out a lot of people. The pedastal is too damn high and unsustainable.
I am genuinely concerned about placing our service members on such a high pedastal. The pendulum WILL swing the other way and when we no longer consider everyone in uniform a hero or warrior, that pendulum will swing hard, fast, and take out a lot of people. The pedastal is too damn high and unsustainable.
Absolutely co-sign this
Absolutely co-sign this

You can't based on your credit history........

Say what you will about Trump (and we say a lot) but he certainly is a Military fanboy. Which I like....I think....but there is this tiny part of me that wonders if that is always a good thing?

I don't know, terrorists bad....Military good....thanks President Trump!

Or something like that.....why the hell am I conflicted about this Pardon?

Trump pardons ex-Army lieutenant convicted of killing suspected Al Qaeda terrorist in 2009

I know, man, it's wrong.

But based on the murderous bullshit that happens on a daily basis in a warzone...If two of my teammates had just been killed and I caught one of the fuckers, my neurotransmitters still going apeshit from the contact...I might've popped his ass, too. And if I got caught I'd be in a Redline brig.
Bad form, former LT.

What happened to take your Presidential Pardon and go quietly into the night?

While I understand the circumstances that might lead to a post-traumatic act of could've ended up with 20 to Life at USDB Leavenworth.
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so apparently fmr LT Lorance had this to say about the guys who testified against him:

View attachment 37021
Honestly, I think the guy has a right to be bitter. His guys went on CNN and other MSM networks and publicly denounced him, while he was sitting in prison. It's a small miracle he was pardoned... as the previous admin and incoming HRC admin were probably going to let him rot.
Honestly, I think the guy has a right to be bitter. His guys went on CNN and other MSM networks and publicly denounced him, while he was sitting in prison. It's a small miracle he was pardoned... as the previous admin and incoming HRC admin were probably going to let him rot.

From what I've read about the case, I think he might have deserved to spend some time behind bars, and his guys were right to come out against him.