U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys

I understand that. What part of the vetting/teaching/training process involves an individual SF Soldier going hands on with a local national over a crime?
I don't agree that the best course of action was to rough the guy up. I don't think it's worth a GOMOR and a relief for cause evaluation. Personally, I think beating someone's ass is a reasonable reaction to someone laughing about child rape, but at worst they should've been pulled back to the B team, counseled, and given time to cool off. SFC Martland is by all accounts an outstanding NCO. Kicking him out because he assaulted someone that ought to be summarily executed is asinine.
It's not our place to throw our belief system on everyone else. Is it fucked up? Sure, no arguing that. But it's their country and their culture. The article with a counter-perspective posted by @Marauder06 was spot on, IMHO.
Then be glad the Republicans killed attempts at entering into the World Court Jurisdiction.
We shouldn't be expected to fund folks if their culture is counter to ours, what would the Taliban do to this rapist?
Stupid shit like this helped the Taliban gain control in the first place.
I understand that. What part of the vetting/teaching/training process involves an individual SF Soldier going hands on with a local national over a crime?
The part where it's your responsibility as a US Service Member to prevent human rights violations.
I'm happy SFC Martland was reinstated.

I deleted three paragraphs on why, sometimes, it can be prudent to look the other way when your indigs do something inadvisable simply in order to maintain rapport and cooperation and to avoid getting a bullet in the back your brain during the next contact... especially if you don't have strong support for your actions from their chain of command. I also deleted things I've seen counterparts do and even after reporting it, seeing it "quashed in the interests of allied harmony." I'm not talking about child molestation, that would be impossible for any of us to ignore. You can put them in a room and educate them about morality, decency, human rights, the restrictive ROE and the American Way...but if your trying to educate illiterate farmers, tribesmen, bandits and other Third World characters, don't be surprised if the lessons are sometimes forgotten in the field. In Africa, in the present day, battles can be won or lost by witchcraft. If your an advisor and you haven't taken into account your counterpart's beliefs in the supernatural, you might find yourself alone with your dick in your hand during the next attack.

@Frank S. summed it up nicely; in some situations "forget it, Jake...It's Chinatown."
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The part where it's your responsibility as a US Service Member to prevent human rights violations.

What did he prevent? He didn't happen upon the incident and stop it in progress.
I don't agree that the best course of action was to rough the guy up. I don't think it's worth a GOMOR and a relief for cause evaluation. Personally, I think beating someone's ass is a reasonable reaction to someone laughing about child rape, but at worst they should've been pulled back to the B team, counseled, and given time to cool off. SFC Martland is by all accounts an outstanding NCO. Kicking him out because he assaulted someone that ought to be summarily executed is asinine.

I agree that it wasn't worth kicking him out over.