That’s why I was saying TL’s, SL’s and PSG’s.

The “O’s” set the policy as to cut the gear to mission essentials and the NCO’s do the cutting at the platoon or lower level. I am not looking to have a new “mission packing list” from brigade coming down. I am looking for a “smart policy” given me more authority to cut non-essential equipment.
As for the Infantry, ideally you want to be able to set up an AA/PB to store your extra long-term gear and just rock your battle-rattle to the objective. But in the modern battlefield it becomes hard to do so, with worries of gear falling into enemy hands (blah-blah-blah). Personally I think the light Infantry skills have been degraded by a lack of application.
The 7-8 was GTG and offered a “how too” guide to the PL/PSG/SL, but somewhere someone thought they were smarter. :doh:
Body armor is necessary for many “Infantry missions” but not all missions. The same way a ruck fits in, but not in all. My personal thoughts on basic missions are:
Urban Patrol: Body armor, LCE, water and maybe 1 MRE depending on length.
Ambush: rock as much fire power as you can and fuck the rest.
Rural Patrol: LCE, water and maybe 1 MRE
Assault/Raid: Armor, LCE, Water and mission required equipment.
OP/LP: LCE, Water, MRE’s and extra batters for optics and radios (assault pack).
Recon: See OP/LP with maybe extra ammo/ pyro depending on length.
Force Protection: Full PPE down to the goggles and gloves…
Now depending on sizes of the mission (Squad, Platoon or Company) will set the amounts of added gear, but joe wanting an Ipod or DVD palyer/ Laptop is not needed. Joe wanting those extra snacks and pogy-bait is not needed. Strapping 28 pounds of armor on joe for a 20K/ 3 day patrol is not needed. We need to be smart in how we use our gear and learn that mobility can be just as protective, if not more protective then armor.
Food for thought, the average insurgent is rocking an AK, maybe 2 to 3 mags and very little water/food. Wearing rags and flip-flops and he is still banging and eluding you. How in the fuck can you keep up with him if you’re packing 65+ lbs of gear, with out the use of helo’s and gun trucks? You can’t! And as long as they keep going where our trucks and helos can’t go, we will never kill them…