Validity of a Website


SOF Support
Feb 27, 2014
Military Mentor
How does one go about validating whether or not a website is legit? A buddy sent me a link today and the old saying if it's too good to be true then it probably is feeling is going off.

For reference, the website is
I would start with the fact that when you google "Bromn website" or "Bromn raybans" it pulls up nothing even close to the website you referenced.
That is always my first giveaway. I went to the site, but I'm not going to click anything there, much less give them my credit card info.

Tip #2: Anytime a "professional" website has spelling or phrasing errors? Forget about it.
We are professional online company in the world.
I have McAfee software on my computer that will alert me if a link seems off when I try to follow it. I get the option to go back, or accept the risk and continue on to the site. I generally find that it works well to filter out that sort of thing.
Has your buddy ordered from there? If so, what does he have to say about the "legitness" or quality of the items? $20.00 for sunglasses that are normally $150+ seems too good to be true sadly.
He ordered three pairs today before he sent me the link. I'll follow up in a few days when he's cancelled his credit cards...

Thanks CDG. I'll try that out on my laptop.