War of 1812: Been There, Won That


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
Watched a humorous documentary on the War of 1812. I've read a lot about it in the past but I've learned quite a bit from it. It shows both sides, well all 4 sides.

On the bicentennial of the War of 1812 the CBC presents a two hour documentary special, The War of 1812: Been There, Won That – a modern look at a 200 year old war hosted by one of Canada’s most accomplished and funniest actors, Peter Keleghan.
We’ll explore the myths and mysteries, mayhem and marvels of this “forgotten” war. We’ll follow the twists and turns of this strange conflict, its rogues and rascals, heroes and martyrs and uncover stories of humour and horror, heroism and hubris. And we’ll meet colourful characters – from corporate lawyers to debutantes to Ursuline nuns -- who 200 years later still remember and celebrate the war in unexpected ways.
Finally, we’ll set the record straight on the burning question that still divides us from our former enemies (now our best pals and good neighbours) to the south: Who really did win the war of 1812?
This war has been called a lot of names - a strange war, a senseless war, even a silly war. But it changed the course of our history and helped create Canada. If we had lost, we would probably all be Americans. It is an epic conflict that determined the fate of a continent and the tragic destiny of its first peoples.
The stories in Been There, Won That include:

Peter Keleghan
The tale of the timid American general who turned over three states to the Canadian side without firing a shot. Did we cheat, as some Americans claim? You be the judge.
The mystery of the last words of British general and Canadian hero Sir Isaac Brock. Were they a shout out to gallant Canadian militiamen, or did he whisper the name of his secret love? What does the evidence of the bullet hole in the General’s coat tell us?
When the Americans torched Toronto’s parliament buildings during the war, they claimed the action was provoked by finding a scalp hanging by the speaker’s chair. A shocking story that the American media loved, but was it true?
We will tell the story of Tecumseh, one of the greatest leaders and visionaries of North American First Peoples, whose death on a battlefield in southwestern Ontario ended the dream of an indigenous confederacy and a first peoples’ homeland. We explore his legacy and the unsolved mystery that surrounds his final resting place.
War of 1812: Been There, Won That is a funny and poignant documentary that will engage, enlighten and entertain audiences of all ages, and turn a forgotten war into an unforgettable one.
Peter Keleghan has starred in Canadian comedy classics like The Newsroom, the Red Green Show, 18 to Life and Made in Canada, as well as roles in Slings and Arrows, Murdoch Mysteries and Saving Hope. He is currently in production for the feature Sex After Kids.


Here's the docu online, not sure if it'll play outside of Canada.

I was an uber nerd this week. I got to stand on the deck of the Flagship Niagara while they were taking down the sails and getting her ready for winter. Spent 3 hours there with a docent and the all volunteer crew. They do this all by hand just like they would have done in 1812. It was an amazing process to watch. I think I learned everything there is to learn about the ships and the Battle of Lake Erie!
The below decks was off the hook(no pun) The main crew compartment with all the hammocks in place would have been miserable living quarters. Today they only have about 20-30 at a time and its cramped. As you know G, I posted my pics on Facebook. For some reason I cant get them to load here. But you saw the cooking stove? They use it everyday and they have had chefs come on board for a cooking competition using only that stove and implements available during the era.
They have a display in the landside museum showing what happened when a cannon ball ripped through the side of a ship and bounced around awhile. NOT pretty.

ETA technically the Niagara is not a ship but a schooner because it only has two masts. A ship has to have 3 or more. I DID pay attention to Kevin the docent! ;)
I was an uber nerd this week. I got to stand on the deck of the Flagship Niagara while they were taking down the sails and getting her ready for winter. Spent 3 hours there with a docent and the all volunteer crew. They do this all by hand just like they would have done in 1812. It was an amazing process to watch. I think I learned everything there is to learn about the ships and the Battle of Lake Erie!

So how did taking a tour of the Viagra plant work for you? You are a weird chick... :hmm:
I'll be finalizing my defensive positions some where up in the North when that happens and they'll have more than guns to worry about. ;)

um, because you'll have eaten beer, bacon, beans and eggs at the same meal for three weeks running? Isn't that against the Hague and Geneva Conventions?:hmm::sick: oh, it's against Emily Post and plain good table manners too.... ya canukistanian bastige.
um, because you'll have eaten beer, bacon, beans and eggs at the same meal for three weeks running? Isn't that against the Hague and Geneva Conventions?:hmm::sick: oh, it's against Emily Post and plain good table manners too.... ya canukistanian bastige.

If the commie frenchies get in power, they'll do way worse; think of all that poutine and maple syrup. The horror, the horror!!!
We just got accredited a battle honor for the War of 1812. Now for the next two years we get to wear a silly pin on our dress uniform for a battle that happened two hundred years ago.