Weird Encounters while deployed

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Jun 23, 2018
I just recently saw the story of the Kandahar Giant the one who supposedly was killed by special forces. While The story is fake it did get me wondering. If there are other stories similar to it and that perhaps maybe some of you have also had a weird experience like that during your career or deployment that you would be willing to share if possible
One time at Bagram, I met a guy who had actually killed people. That was pretty weird by Bagram's standards.

Look, people don't tend to open up to folks they don't know, especially on the Net. When you get a bunch of chirping crickets and replies so sarcastic as to make mine above look tame, hopefully that will provide some context.

Even in a public place, you don't sidle up to strangers and ask to hear their secrets.
We practice something here called *Situational Awareness*. In fact, we pride ourselves on our implementation of it. It makes one's stay here far more pleasant. Do a study of that theory and see what you think of it. It will carry you farther in life than those that don't possess it.

Good luck and again, welcome to ShadowSpear!
I wasn’t asking for secrets or anything of that sort. just about strange supernatural stuff people believe they had seen. a general ghost story if you will
I apologize if the post violates anything still learning the protocol of your site
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