Well here's my motivated Intro


Verified Military
Jul 17, 2015
I've stumbled across Shadow Spear to better prepare myself for the transition to the SOF community. I've spent 5 years in the Marine Corps, and was deployed to Afghanistan just 1 time in early 2011 around the Sangin area. I'm wanting to make the next A&S to be a Raider as long as the TIG requirements don't prevent me from accomplishing it. If that doesn't work out then I'm looking at Army SF possibly.

What really draws me here though is some USMCR/SMCR/ Reserve specific questions about MARSOC.

As soon as I saw "Motivated Intro" I knew we had another Marine on board.

Welcome to Shadowspear.
@Teufel I made the terrible mistake as going in as a reserve MP. You know buying the recruiters line where they said you could go active duty and change MOS whenever you want. Five years later I'm trying to make the next A&S
@Teufel I made the terrible mistake as going in as a reserve MP. You know buying the recruiters line where they said you could go active duty and change MOS whenever you want. Five years later I'm trying to make the next A&S

Are you still a reservist? Why don't you lat-move to 0321? I don't know how reserves to MARSOC works honestly. Not saying it can't be done, I just have no knowledge on that process. I do know there has been discussion of allowing MARSOC Marines to serve in reserve Marine Reconnaissance units without having to attend BRC.