West Point's Modern War Institute


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
"It was Charles Darwin who first proposed that “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.""

I was an instructor at West Point when the Modern War Institute (MWI) was stood up, but was not affiliated with it at the time. I watched with interest as it grew into a powerhouse in government, military, and academic circles through its informative podcasts, bold choices in guest speakers (everyone from GEN McChrystal to Dennis Rodman), and thoughtful online journal.

This article discusses MWI and its founder, COL(R) Liam Collins. While it briefly mentions some of COL Collins' credentials, including his two valor awards, it neglects to mention that he is Best Ranger winner and a former Delta operator who is both SF and Ranger Qualified, and who also has a HALO combat jump. The article does mention, but it's worth repeating, that COL Collins also has a PhD from Princeton.

The article not only does a good job of relating the history and value of MWI, but also the importance of adaptability and change.

Why am I mentioning all of this here on ShadowSpear? A couple of reasons. For one, I'm now affiliated with MWI. For another, there is a very strong tie-in with Special Operations, including both the founder and current director (not me) of MWI. And also because MWI is a great way for people like us to tell our stories to the world, to influence national policy, and to help train the next generation of warfighters.

Check out the site, look over some of the articles and the podcasts, and if you think you have something that would be a good fit, hit up the editor (also not me) or send me a PM or post below. They also have a Fellows program, which I think would interest many here.

Thanks for this post @Marauder06 .

I've had it on my list to listen to MWI's Irregular Warfare podcast. I did, today, and it's awesome.

I started with The Pentagon Bureaucracy and the Human Domain of War. The format is beautiful, the music is perfect, the perspectives are fascinating and the hosts asked great questions. I'm excited about the rest of the series and checking out the rest of the site.