What are you going to do Tuesday evening?

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Sep 12, 2012
I am going to go see a 7pm movie. Not sure what yet, but a long one. I will come out of the theatre and check my phone at that time -

Regardless of the outcome, which at this point I can no longer influence, it will be 3 hours not spent staring at the TV waiting for "something" to happen.
Sleeping, hating Blair Walsh, still hoping Pakistan will one day cease to exist.

Our country will survive, but it will be in worse shape than the day before.
Won't be anywhere near a television tonight, although, my wife will surely be blowing my phone up. Decided to pick up a late shift prepping bays for a 4 new AF BMT flights. Been a minute since I made a hospital corner.
A gas station employee asked me straight out yesterday if marshall law will be declared when Hillary wins, possibly because I was in uniform at the time.

My answer was, "At midnight. Always midnight."

So, suppose I'll be writing an OPORD to plan for house searches and beat downs. :rolleyes:
A gas station employee asked me straight out yesterday if marshall law will be declared when Hillary wins, possibly because I was in uniform at the time.

My answer was, "At midnight. Always midnight."

So, suppose I'll be writing an OPORD to plan for house searches and beat downs. :rolleyes:

If ya need help New Orleans PD probably has an example on file.
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I've got some taping and mudding to finish on a home improvement project. That beats the alternatives. Oh yeah, I'll be cursing Blair Walsh too.
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