Now I admit I don't know very much about American history around this time so I'll put the question out and people more knowledgable than I can discuss it. I'll pop in with questions from time to time, doubtless.
Abraham Lincoln was a bit of a badarse in a sense. in 1842 Lincoln was challenged to a duel. Now my thoughts on duelling are well known (bring it back) but back then it was a bit illegal even though it was tolerated. Lincoln was challenged to a duel after possibly writing some bitchy letters about James Shields under a fake name. Lincoln chose to go with swords, which thanks to his gangly frame meant to had an advantage over Shields and after a bit Shields declared his honour satisfied and the two became friends.
Question: What if Shields had killed Lincoln? What would have been the repurcussions for both the US and the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln was a bit of a badarse in a sense. in 1842 Lincoln was challenged to a duel. Now my thoughts on duelling are well known (bring it back) but back then it was a bit illegal even though it was tolerated. Lincoln was challenged to a duel after possibly writing some bitchy letters about James Shields under a fake name. Lincoln chose to go with swords, which thanks to his gangly frame meant to had an advantage over Shields and after a bit Shields declared his honour satisfied and the two became friends.
Question: What if Shields had killed Lincoln? What would have been the repurcussions for both the US and the Civil War?