What's the Urban Dictionary Definition of Your State?

UM, whoever wrote the one about Washington State never experienced the "Seattle Freeze"... it like the Fraternity/sorority Slam in College - nice to your face but ignore you or lambaste you behind your back unless you went to the same high School. Oh and the traffic sucks and drivers are idiots for the most part. They do have some very good wineries, but they're brewers have followed the over hopping trend - to the point that some of the beer is undrinkably bitter and raw. the Seafood isn't bad, and hiking Mt. Rainier is excellent. The gun laws are ok at this time, but that seems about to change from the influence of the hippie liberal patchouli crowd and the California expats who are trying to turn WA into CA north.
Better than your state. Sure, the roads suck, but not as bad as parts of Kentucky. Sure, the people can be dumb, but not as dumb as in Alabama. Sure, the weather sucks, but not as badly as it does in Alaska. Yeah, okay, it's a little rural, and you have to buy your liquor in state stores, and there's no beaches, but at least we're not West Virginia. Or Iowa.

Plus, the Amish are cool, we make ketchup and chocolate, the Steelers used to be a decent team, and hey! we've got a town called Intercourse.
Pennsylvania has Intercourse. Your state doesn't.

I will add: East coast / west coast, hood rats with drama with the center of the state being awesome as fuck Amish food.

Urban Dictionary: Alabama

A truly lovely state, by certain standards, where the unofficial motto is...
"Alabama: At Least We're Not Mississippi

That was the only one that didn't suck. Otherwise, it was eight pages of "they're racist, obese, poverty stricken, uneducated, inbred hicks who fuck animals." Makes @Freefalling's hatred of Florida seem weak.
UM, whoever wrote the one about Washington State never experienced the "Seattle Freeze"... it like the Fraternity/sorority Slam in College - nice to your face but ignore you or lambaste you behind your back unless you went to the same high School. Oh and the traffic sucks and drivers are idiots for the most part. They do have some very good wineries, but they're brewers have followed the over hopping trend - to the point that some of the beer is undrinkably bitter and raw. the Seafood isn't bad, and hiking Mt. Rainier is excellent. The gun laws are ok at this time, but that seems about to change from the influence of the hippie liberal patchouli crowd and the California expats who are trying to turn WA into CA north.

I am unable to like any post at this time but I would definitely be giving you a like for your accuracy @x SF med . You should update the urban dictionary ha ha ha!