Whey Protein, who's your hookup?

I concur with the statement that pea protein is actually pretty good. I've been using it for a short time, however I enjoy it much more then Whey. Whey protein would often make me feel like shit. My decision to try the protein actually isn't because I am vegan but I coincidentally was vegetarian for approximately year, but a couple months ago switching to a pescatarian diet. Somehow a diet that consists of fish as the only meat source is labeled vegetarian but that makes absolutely no sense to me.. Anyhow, still trying to figure out the best source of pea protein for myself.
I used to be a fan of Gold Standard when my brother was at home, haven't had it in a year or two since it costs 70$ a container though. I usually end up with "pure protein" from walmart. It tastes very similar but it has a more sweet,aspartamey taste and it is cheaper.

This stuff's been pretty tasty w/ just water and ice.