We talked a little bit about the "Why's" to tactical, physical training in the previous posts. The why's are very important and should always proceed the "how to." Unfortunately, in many physical training sectors, the "why to" is by-passed for "how to" train. Invariably, the results from this pathway are probably not as good as if we invested time in understanding why to before the get the ball rolling on how to.
"Why to" physically train the way we do with military and tactical operators? Clearly, because physical fitness and health-functioning is woven into the fabric of nearly everything that goes on in terms of job-functioning of those in the military. It is directly related to mission-readiness and accomplishing missions operations. Sometimes its not quite as obvious and other times it is very obvious.
So, the why to, is clearly to have an individual as healthy and fit as possible at any given time in order to be able to perform at the highest level. Here is the transition towards the "how to" and the key word is to be able to perform. Therefore, when we talk about tactical physical training we should really begin to introduce the concept of "performance training." I am not talking so much about accomplishing a WOD, but how performance in the training environment can begin to have some carry-over or meaning to performance in the job-environment.
Well, how can we start down that path? First, from a scientific perspective, let's think about what can carry-over from training to either competing or performing on the job. This is where a lot of confusion, debates, and misunderstanding begins. It would be nice to say that functional movements, themselves, carry-over, but most probably don't. It would be nice to say that the strength acquired carries over, but that would be in relation to how its developed during training and then how its used during work.
What can be carried-over that is more readily useable? Well, how about functioning of the body to be able to perform as an integrated, dynamic system? Certainly, this is worth a look. Can I train in a way that heads-off injuries without creating additional ones and prepares my body, mind and emotions for the stress of being on the job? Can I train in a manner that strengthens the body from the ankles to the neck, from right to left and front to back thus creating a more balanced musculoskeletal system? Can I train in a manner that is challenging and forces me to learn new fitness tasks and work together as a group? Can I train in a manner that builds cohesion and is realistic for the group being trained (not D-1 or professional athletes)?
Think about this? How healthy is your structure, you mind and emotions? How balanced is your body in terms of being able to generate and transfer force from the ground up through your arms? Are you training the total warrior or just what you are good at? How motivating and challenging is your current program and does it involve training the whole body to include areas such as the ankles, neck, and transfer of power through developing the core muscles? Does your program contain some outside of the box thinking or is it primarily based on this is what we always do or the WOD?
In the next post, let's put together the structural components of a tactical performance-based physical training workout.
"Why to" physically train the way we do with military and tactical operators? Clearly, because physical fitness and health-functioning is woven into the fabric of nearly everything that goes on in terms of job-functioning of those in the military. It is directly related to mission-readiness and accomplishing missions operations. Sometimes its not quite as obvious and other times it is very obvious.
So, the why to, is clearly to have an individual as healthy and fit as possible at any given time in order to be able to perform at the highest level. Here is the transition towards the "how to" and the key word is to be able to perform. Therefore, when we talk about tactical physical training we should really begin to introduce the concept of "performance training." I am not talking so much about accomplishing a WOD, but how performance in the training environment can begin to have some carry-over or meaning to performance in the job-environment.
Well, how can we start down that path? First, from a scientific perspective, let's think about what can carry-over from training to either competing or performing on the job. This is where a lot of confusion, debates, and misunderstanding begins. It would be nice to say that functional movements, themselves, carry-over, but most probably don't. It would be nice to say that the strength acquired carries over, but that would be in relation to how its developed during training and then how its used during work.
What can be carried-over that is more readily useable? Well, how about functioning of the body to be able to perform as an integrated, dynamic system? Certainly, this is worth a look. Can I train in a way that heads-off injuries without creating additional ones and prepares my body, mind and emotions for the stress of being on the job? Can I train in a manner that strengthens the body from the ankles to the neck, from right to left and front to back thus creating a more balanced musculoskeletal system? Can I train in a manner that is challenging and forces me to learn new fitness tasks and work together as a group? Can I train in a manner that builds cohesion and is realistic for the group being trained (not D-1 or professional athletes)?
Think about this? How healthy is your structure, you mind and emotions? How balanced is your body in terms of being able to generate and transfer force from the ground up through your arms? Are you training the total warrior or just what you are good at? How motivating and challenging is your current program and does it involve training the whole body to include areas such as the ankles, neck, and transfer of power through developing the core muscles? Does your program contain some outside of the box thinking or is it primarily based on this is what we always do or the WOD?
In the next post, let's put together the structural components of a tactical performance-based physical training workout.