Wow: WWII Vets "Storm" Closed War Memorial in DC

Tell you what, I have no respect for Park Rangers now. If a motherfucker wouldn't fucking volunteer to show up so that WWII vets could see THEIR FUCKING MONUMENT for ONCE in their lifetimes.... then fuck them all.

Remember, there are two kinds of Park Rangers with the park service....armed LEO's and the non-armed informational, tour guide...types. The ones that man the monuments at D.C. are the non-LEO type, with the park police doing the LE duties there.

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The Nevada Honor Flight entered the WWII Monument today. Not much about it on the news that I can find other than Twitterverse. Also, being it was the Nevada Honor Flight where in the hell was Harry Reid?

Some great pics on here.

The Governor saw them off before the plane took off (he always does) and the Nevada reps (excluding Reid) are pretty good guys. That list includes everyone BUT Reid, both Dems and Republicans. Horsford has been known to cross the aisle leaving Harry as the sole asshat. Joe Heck is in the NG.