My Random TV Thread


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Sep 8, 2006
Hemlock Grove, Netflix only I believe. Has anyone watched it?

Penny Dreadful on Showtime is pretty good too.

The Bridge Season 2 premiers tonight.

Summer TV tends to suck, but I've found a few to hold my interest. Any other series worth looking at?
Netflix has one that I haven't seen, but it stars Gillian Anderson from the X Files, shes a cop in Northern Ireland. It's on my list.

I'm currently re-watching Deadwood, awesome!
Banshee...a Cinemax series but it's probably available through Netflix, etc. It kind of runs under the radar and may not win any awards for plausibility but it's plenty entertaining with everything most guys (and gals) look for in an action series. I think season 3 starts this fall. Aside from GOT, it's the only series we really watch. Check it out.
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I'm starting to get into Boardwalk Empire, thanks to my roomies. I still have a bit of catching up to do. I have always liked Steve Buscemi. Other than that, I'm waiting with bated breath for Justified to make its (final) season debut.
Finally watching the wire. Just started season 4. It has more than lived up to the hype.

I'm looking forward to Ray Donovan coming back to Showtime, first season was really solid so hopefully they can follow up well.
I'm starting to get into Boardwalk Empire, thanks to my roomies. I still have a bit of catching up to do. I have always liked Steve Buscemi. Other than that, I'm waiting with bated breath for Justified to make its (final) season debut.

Final? WTF is that about?

I'm going to go all Sheldon Cooper on the programming department at FX.
I'd forgotten about Tyrant. That show has been pretty good so far and I only want to slap the little blond wife once per episode.

I tried Ray Donovan and SHIELD and both lost me by the 4th episode. Boring, the story was SLOW, and the plethora of annoying characters turned me off from both of them.

Hell on Wheels starts next month I think. That one's been pretty good.
Yeah, BBC seasons are strange. How do you call 3 episodes a season?

I believe they do that on purpose in order for the "anticipation" to set in. I couldn't believe the amount of people that were actually waiting for this past season. I never knew it had the following that it did. I must say that I am one of those that enjoy the series and am ready for the next season already.

Now, I just need "Vikings" to come back.