Im planning on enlisting as 18X very soon. Im waiting for a medical waiver to come through (pin in my collarbone) sometime next week (I hope), and my recruiter says he thinks it will.
I decided to go for 18X after meeting some SF guys at a pistol/carbine course at Bragg, and I was also inspired by many of you on this forum.
Any tips/suggestions/help I can get from you guys would be fantastic at this point.. I know there is more than one way to get to 18x. My recruiter suggested enlisting as 11b, then going abn, then sf.. while another told me to go for 18x right from the get-go.
At this point im just hoping my waiver goes through. I have a sports medicine doc saying im 110% good to go. Full range of motion, ok for heavy lifting. Hopefully the Army will agree!
I decided to go for 18X after meeting some SF guys at a pistol/carbine course at Bragg, and I was also inspired by many of you on this forum.
Any tips/suggestions/help I can get from you guys would be fantastic at this point.. I know there is more than one way to get to 18x. My recruiter suggested enlisting as 11b, then going abn, then sf.. while another told me to go for 18x right from the get-go.
At this point im just hoping my waiver goes through. I have a sports medicine doc saying im 110% good to go. Full range of motion, ok for heavy lifting. Hopefully the Army will agree!