.1st Force Commander's Guidance


Force Recon
Verified SOF
Mar 15, 2008
Tun Tavern
Here is the latest commander's guidance out of 1st Force. It could prove useful to some of you MARSOC and Recon hopefuls.

Never forget that you part of the most elite and legendary unit the Marine Corps has ever seen. Our forefathers earned our proud reputation through great personal courage and sacrifice in fierce combat in Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Never do anything to bring shame or embarrassment to the prestigious legacy of our company. Everyday is a selection, and every task is a test. Earn your place here every single day.

We are a Marine Corps at war and our nation requires sacrifice on our part to protect our freedoms and liberties. Take care of your wounded, insert a new magazine, and seize your objective. This is a rough business. We must carry on no matter what the conditions – never forget that the mission comes first.

Never put yourself before your Marines. Our Marines are our most precious resource and must be treated as such. Take care of our men, empower your subordinates and develop leaders at all levels. Try to balance your work and your family and help our Marines do the same. If you don’t have anything for your men to do, send them home.

Always look cool. If you don't know your job, you don't look cool.

Keep your weapon clean, your gear loaded and your ruck packed.

Only shoot and move as fast as you can do so accurately. You can't miss fast enough.

Most tactical problems can be solved with an equal dose of aggression and violence.

Never forget that your radio is your most powerful weapon.

The difference between victory and defeat often comes down to will power and endurance.

When all else fails, gain fire superiority, move towards the path of enemy guns and destroy everything in your path.

Live a selfless life and serve a cause greater than yourself.

We are rebuilding something great here and I want you to be proud of the important role each and every one of you are in playing in ensuring a future for Force Reconnaissance in the Marine Corps. Live the Reconnaissance Creed every day and protect the proud legacy and reputation of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company.

"Always look cool. If you don't know your job, you don't look cool."

Did you add that? :D
Believe it or not, I'm the CO of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company. I added all of it. That particular quote is from my platoon sergeant when I was a platoon commander at 1st Force many a moon ago, as are some of the other tidbits in there. He, and the other SNCOs in my platoon, made me into the officer I am today. So you can blame them for my many shortcomings.
I think it's pretty fucking cool that a friend of mine is the CO at 1st Force. Just saying.
Very nice, and congrats again Sir! Just make sure to add in some words about glow straps during morning PT and not doing stupid shit on libo and I think your Marines will be all set! Those two are mandatory for all grunts to know as I'm sure your 1stSgt is aware! :P
"Always look cool. If you don't know your job, you don't look cool."

Did you add that? :D

LMFAO!!!!!! failure to exercise SA over the past 6 months, should get you banned forever and stripped of every honor you ever got.....

Or do you have CRS?

CDR 1st Force might be the guy who wrote the damn post. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::wall::wall::wall::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Believe it or not, I'm the CO of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company. I added all of it. That particular quote is from my platoon sergeant when I was a platoon commander at 1st Force many a moon ago, as are some of the other tidbits in there. He, and the other SNCOs in my platoon, made me into the officer I am today. So you can blame them for my many shortcomings.

Officers call them shortcomings, we NCO's see them as positive character traits.
Live a selfless life and serve a cause greater than yourself.

Saved the best for last but all words to live by.
Believe it or not, I'm the CO of 1st Force Reconnaissance Company. I added all of it. That particular quote is from my platoon sergeant when I was a platoon commander at 1st Force many a moon ago, as are some of the other tidbits in there. He, and the other SNCOs in my platoon, made me into the officer I am today. So you can blame them for my many shortcomings.

No disrespect of course! I think it was a great statement...just surprised me to see it in official guidance :D

..and as x SF med noted...my SA is fucked up, I didn't make the connection :-"
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If you don’t have anything for your men to do, send them home.
Its odd to see this in here. When I was with the MEU, prior to our workups and pump we didn't have much to do so our Gunny sent us home and let us screw off. He had us call back just to make sure there wasn't anything for us to do. When we went out to sea we ended up doing 20 hour shifts for a few weeks straight and there we didn't mind one bit. There are only two of us in the ARG so we were pretty busy. Little things like this really make certain leaders stand out.
Only shoot and move as fast as you can do so accurately. You can't miss fast enough.

Broadsword, nice. Any chance you picked up the the 'can't miss fast enough' quip from one of the younger instructors over at Lexicon? If so, I think it originated with Rob Trivino of Evergreen Mountain. It's rare to see such grounded common sense in a commander's guidance. Your men are lucky to have you.
Broadsword, nice. Any chance you picked up the the 'can't miss fast enough' quip from one of the younger instructors over at Lexicon? If so, I think it originated with Rob Trivino of Evergreen Mountain. It's rare to see such grounded common sense in a commander's guidance. Your men are lucky to have you.

Brother... "you can't miss fast enough" was used by then MAJ Bob Howard back when I went through the SFQC...
(waiting for the age comments from some of the bastiges around here)