2-14 April A&S

I was a non select.

I can honestly say I met some of the best Marines in my career so far at selection, they absolutely selected the top notch guys, a few curveballs in there, but great guys nevertheless I am glad I made it to the end, and I learned a lot while I was there great instructors. This door has closed another has to open. Thanks for all the help along the way fellas.

-081 OUT!
Congratulations to those who've been selected to move forward to ITC. I definitely learned quite a bit even with my short time spent in A&S, about myself and about others. I did meet some very respectful and hardworking Marines there, and I'd wish I could have spent more time with them. I DOR'd, and I regretted it so much. No need to cry over spilt milk though... I did learn how arrogant I can be when trying to accomplish a goal and yet, how much failure I could handle before I threw in the towel on myself. I didn't take the "you are going to fail" phrase to heart, and that's something one should ponder about before embarking into something like this. Like USSOCOM Commander Admiral McRaven said, "If you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward".
Not a Marine, but I am SF.... Now you know why we 'BTDT' guys are so hard on the guys that refuse to listen to advice - especially about contingencies should the aspiration not match the requirements for the course attempted...

Good job all - as long as you learned about yourself, your limitations, humility, and the inner strength you need to achieve anything in life, you did well.