2016 Rio Olympics thread -


Sep 12, 2012
Pretty interesting article from NY Times on the current status.

Brazil’s Olympic Catastrophe

All signs point to "shit show". Might as well get the thread started.

This paragraph is very telling -

I went to Rio recently to see how preparations for the Games are going. Spoiler: not well. The city is a huge construction site. Bricks and pipes are piled everywhere; a few workers lazily push wheelbarrows as if the Games were scheduled for 2017. Nobody knows what the construction sites will become, not even the people working on them: “It’s for the Olympics” was the unanimous reply, followed by speculation about “tents for the judging panels of volleyball or soccer, I guess.”
All signs point to "shit show".

"Shit" being the optimal word given the water quality.

I've followed the story a little and it is a dumpster fire. I could honestly care less about the Olympics, but the waste is abominable. I'd like to think the IOC or other huge sports organizations would learn from this, the FIFA debacle, and the Qatar slave market, and radically alter how they do business....which is a hearty LOL because of the money (corruption) involved.

I hope the Olympics burn. Whoever signed off on the plan to clean up Rio's water is an idiot. They might as well approved a plan to breathe salt water. You don't give a marquee event to a Third World country and expect a winner.
The Olympics is a waste of money, etc.
There are enough Olympic Stadiums/venues around the world to preclude building new ones every four years.
I am LMAO at this one.
Fuck the IOC.
I like the olympics for the athletes. I am always so impressed with their achievements .

The IOC is garbage.
I like the Olympics, too. But I don't have much faith in Brazilian security. Rio is porous. Anybody could be hiding up in the Favelas, making plans. Huge city, ethnically diverse, long history of international immigration. If a bomb can go off at the Boston Marathon, with the security precautions and personnel at that event, I cringe to think of the possibilities in a place like Rio.
The favelas....I forgot about those. That little trash-covered soccer field bordered by a store or something? At least you had a long shot down the street to your front, but that building and those damn dumpsters...
The favelas....I forgot about those. That little trash-covered soccer field bordered by a store or something? At least you had a long shot down the street to your front, but that building and those damn dumpsters...

I killed so many guys in there I lost count. :ninja: And with my semi auto FN FAL.
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Could you imagine if the mayor of (city hosting the Super Bowl) said the same thing?

Rio mayor: State doing 'terrible' job ahead of Olympics - CNN.com

Rio de Janeiro (CNN) — A month before Rio welcomes thousands of visitors for the 2016 Olympic Games, the city's mayor has lashed out at state officials over the policing of violent crime.

"This is the most serious issue in Rio and the state is doing a terrible, horrible job," Eduardo Paes told CNN, during an interview in his downtown office.

"It's completely failing at its work of policing and taking care of people."
I've trained with a few Brazilian cops, they were up to par with American cops with regards to marksmanship and tactics. Very under-sourced and lack modern equipment, but none the less, out there busting heads in some of the worst ghettos in the world.

That said, this will be a shit show. Brazil has way too many internal government issues right now. Politics, from the city, state and federal governments are all fucked up. People are protesting due to corruption, and the poor are getting pretty fed up with that shit. I won't be shocked if some shit goes down.
Not a good sign when the Rio Police and Fire aren't getting paid and manning banners at the airport.

How many recall the Munich Olympics, 1972 IIRC.

I have to wonder if this will be worse?

I was in the 6th Marines at Lejeune when that occurred. A horror story. Now just one of many perpetrated by Muslim extremists. At the time, though, an incredibly shocking event. Given the state of things, now, I can't imagine terrorists not giving Rio serious consideration. An inviting target rich environment.
I love watching the athletes. I hate the politics. Why can't they just have them rotate among a few countries? (Rhetorical question...I know the answer).