4120 intro thread


Sep 29, 2012
Hi. My Father was in the OSS in the Burma-Chinese-Indian theatre during WWII. Later he was one of the first Green Berets. He was in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He was one of the only jump qualified officers in the OSS, the others didn't care they just jumped. My father was known as Billy the Kid because he was one of the most wanted by the Japanese. I just wanted to say hi.
4120, I don't know what kind of post this is supposed to be or the rationale for posting it, but suffice it to say that it is quite odd for one's first post.

Post an Introduction in the correct location before posting again.

Thank you.
Might have been an intro post, just put in the wrong section.

Edit- I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he read the site rules and that this was his intended intro thread. Thread moved, re-named, and re-opened.

4120, there are no more Free passes. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the site rules and norms, thanks.
You haven't told us anything about yourself :rolleyes:. Trying to ride on your dads coat tails?

Welcome, I guess...
Welcome to your dad I guess. You still haven't posted an intro about yourself, so I will refrain from welcoming you yet.