49-Year-Old Rambo Headed for Iraq


running up that hill
Jan 3, 2007
in Wonderland, with my Alice
August 23, 2007

They call Damian Horne “Grandpa Rambo.”

The Sante Fe, N.M., public defender volunteered for a 9-month deployment with a special forces unit of the Colorado National Guard and is scheduled to ship out for Iraq in October.

Damian Horne turns 49 on Friday.

“I really wanted to support what I believe is an honorable job,” said Horne, a former Army Ranger and reserve Green Beret who has a 3-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son.

“I looked at the men and women who are serving, and I was so proud of them. I thought if they’ll take an old Rambo back, then I’d join up.”

Horne has been trying to get to Iraq for nearly two years. He joined the New Mexico National Guard in 2006, but New Mexico doesn’t have a special forces unit, so he attached himself to the Colorado unit and attended Air Assault School in February, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.

“It’s billed as the 10 toughest days in the Army,” Horne said. “At least 40 percent of our class didn’t make it.”

But Horne made it through the program, even though the next oldest man in the class was at least 15 years younger.

Horne’s wife Sydney West, also a public defender, said he gave her no advance notice of his decision to re-enlist, and she wasn’t surprised that he opted for a combat job over anything else, including putting his legal background to use.

“I wouldn’t think he’d want to go over there to write wills,” she told the newspaper. “If he gets back alive, I’m going to kill him.”

As for those who might call him irresponsible for heading off to combat with two children at home, Horne said: “I can’t think of a better example to set for them.”

© 2007 NewsMax. All rights reserved.
a former Army Ranger and reserve Green Beret
attended Air Assault School in February
How common is it for someone to have the first two credentials, without having attended Air Assault somewhere along the way?

This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

The way they dramatized Air Assault school makes my BS meter twitch. I don't mean to try to detract from the merits of the school, but it seems like they're pushing aweful hard for the 'chicks dig it' factor in that article.
How common is it for someone to have the first two credentials, without having attended Air Assault somewhere along the way?

This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

The way they dramatized Air Assault school makes my BS meter twitch. I don't mean to try to detract from the merits of the school, but it seems like they're pushing aweful hard for the 'chicks dig it' factor in that article.

Most journalists have no concept or clue as to either the pain or cool factor of military courses.

As for AAS and the skill level of those attending, it happens frequently. Either at gunpoint (SGM: "You're fucking going - end of story") or the 3 shop announces "Hey, we've got a 100 slots, there's got to be at least 1 idiot who wants to go"

Bullwinkle wings are a highly prized item BTW. :D
I was wondering the same thing as some of you. Journalism aside, they quote Horne as saying, “It’s billed as the 10 toughest days in the Army,” and “At least 40 percent of our class didn’t make it.” If this guy was a Ranger and is currently SF then why is he making any comments about the reputation and attrition of Air Assault when going through SF and Ranger training is far more arduous?
I just found out that someone who is SF qual'd has no need to go to either AA or pathfinder school as the content in both are covered as part of the Q course. :2c:
How common is it for someone to have the first two credentials, without having attended Air Assault somewhere along the way?

This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

The way they dramatized Air Assault school makes my BS meter twitch. I don't mean to try to detract from the merits of the school, but it seems like they're pushing aweful hard for the 'chicks dig it' factor in that article.

air assault is redundant when you already know how to fastrope, and rappell in Bat... and you get trained more useful stuff as a Pathfinder anyway.
its nearly impossible to get AA in batt. A guy on my team just wanted the badge, but they wouldn't send him. "uhh no , but can we interest you in a nice SERE slot?" was what another plt member told him lol
yah, its hard enough to get the sheep in the plane let alone get them to go out the door