To touch on a few points.
- You can go to BRC as a SSgt, I lat moved after being in the IRR into recon and was selected 2 weeks prior to attending BRC. I picked up at BRC. Also,there was another Marine who picked up aswell. Further more, we had two SSgt's start the course but didn't cut it. All that said, SSgt's can go to BRC.
- The deployment that drove Marines away from 4th Force had nothing to do with the TM's or the command as a whole. It boiled down to Staff and brass politics of 3rd and 4th working together. Regardless a bad situation but it is not a reflection of how 4th Force command operates.
- I am a SSgt and am in the TM. I am the ATL and my TL is a very seasoned Sgt. I am absolutely fine with this. I learn from him and he learns from me and my experience as an NCO and now it even works better for my TM having a Staff. We get info faster and have more flexibility than most in daily routines.
- I went through a PSR to oin the unit and was given my school seats by MARFORRES. I consider myself a lucky one because the I&I 1stSgt at the time had to go to bat with MARFORRES regarding his T/O numbers and having a mismatch MOS on deck until I completed BRC.
- Our current drill schedule changed from every month to the quarter system recently with the guidance of our new CO. Longer drill periods allow for better training instead of trying to slam training into 2-3 days. Plus, we have Marines coming from TX, AZ, and AK to name a few so it works better for those Marines having to shell out money for drill.
- We have spent the last couple years rebuilding the Company, we are now at a good point moving forward. Sadly we are still under T/O as we only have 2 plts of 21's and have a designation of needing a 3rd plt. All this not including the Hawaii Det. If people are interested in joining 4th Force I would recommend going throught the proper channels as out new CO is kicking and screaming for more Marines to come on board. Infact every drill he mentions "talk to your buddies and get their asses over here".
I hope this answers some questions, even if they are out dated.