As for 7.62 or 6.8 vs. 5.56 @ a 1000 yards: I have grouped 1MOA consistently and I still prefer a NM AR in long range matches…
As for shooting through a barricade @ 1000 yards with any of the above and killing/ wounding your target. Good luck ;)
5.56 is not going to be replaced (big Army) b/c joe in the field doesn’t want it replaced. NATO doesn’t want to replace it, the army leadership doesn’t want to replace it and our new president is not going to allow the money for it to be replaced…
SOF may look for bigger and better, it’s all good. They need bigger and better for some missions. However, big Army has these things called Machine guns (crew served weapons) that give use fire superiority over our enemy. If that fails, then we have mortars, artillery and close air support. Rest assured that we have the means to deliver devastating and crushing blows to our enemy at the wink of an eye.
So called problems with 5.56 is that it doesn’t have the knock down power to kill the threat and in return takes multiple hits to kill the threat, right? Well last time I checked joe is not fighting the war with one rifle. He is moving in fire teams, squads, and platoons and in most cases company size elements. Unlike SOF they do not run around in small elements, where killing a threat can in some cases be an individual responsibility. In the Infantry a TL/ SL determines the threat size in the initial contact, if he does not have 3 to 1 odds. Meaning 3 of our guys to every 1 of theirs. He will use indirect/ CAS and more then likely wait for supporting elements or break contact.
Your basic soldier is not going to have superior marksmanship skills, he is not going to have a long lengthy back ground in training in stress firing ranges and he is probably not going to be as experienced in direct contact. There fore he will make lots of mistakes and will learn through trial and error. Why? b/c big Army relies on technology and equipment more then training. It’s been that way for a while now. SOF has been able to successfully merge their training with their technology and equipment, making them a better force. That’s why they are called “special”! They have the brighter, better trained, better equipped personal.
So if SOF wants a 6.8 or 7.62 rifle or even an “intergalactic death ray”, I support it 110%. But if you are trying to push it out to the big conventional combat arms Army, I will tell you to give me the money in bullets and range time and allow me to train my joe’s to a level, where they will not need the new caliber and in return I will show you what a true sledge hammer approach to low intensity conflict looks like!
As for shooting through a barricade @ 1000 yards with any of the above and killing/ wounding your target. Good luck ;)
5.56 is not going to be replaced (big Army) b/c joe in the field doesn’t want it replaced. NATO doesn’t want to replace it, the army leadership doesn’t want to replace it and our new president is not going to allow the money for it to be replaced…
SOF may look for bigger and better, it’s all good. They need bigger and better for some missions. However, big Army has these things called Machine guns (crew served weapons) that give use fire superiority over our enemy. If that fails, then we have mortars, artillery and close air support. Rest assured that we have the means to deliver devastating and crushing blows to our enemy at the wink of an eye.
So called problems with 5.56 is that it doesn’t have the knock down power to kill the threat and in return takes multiple hits to kill the threat, right? Well last time I checked joe is not fighting the war with one rifle. He is moving in fire teams, squads, and platoons and in most cases company size elements. Unlike SOF they do not run around in small elements, where killing a threat can in some cases be an individual responsibility. In the Infantry a TL/ SL determines the threat size in the initial contact, if he does not have 3 to 1 odds. Meaning 3 of our guys to every 1 of theirs. He will use indirect/ CAS and more then likely wait for supporting elements or break contact.
Your basic soldier is not going to have superior marksmanship skills, he is not going to have a long lengthy back ground in training in stress firing ranges and he is probably not going to be as experienced in direct contact. There fore he will make lots of mistakes and will learn through trial and error. Why? b/c big Army relies on technology and equipment more then training. It’s been that way for a while now. SOF has been able to successfully merge their training with their technology and equipment, making them a better force. That’s why they are called “special”! They have the brighter, better trained, better equipped personal.
So if SOF wants a 6.8 or 7.62 rifle or even an “intergalactic death ray”, I support it 110%. But if you are trying to push it out to the big conventional combat arms Army, I will tell you to give me the money in bullets and range time and allow me to train my joe’s to a level, where they will not need the new caliber and in return I will show you what a true sledge hammer approach to low intensity conflict looks like!