A couple of epic gunfights

The Light Horse charge at Beersheeba, (or how Australia contributed to the fall of the Ottoman Empire).

@CQB, your submission is the epitome, IMO, of epic war re-enactments on so many levels. The logistics & skill required, plus finding a satisfactory number of men & horses to pull it off is impressive. I work with people & horses almost daily it is no small feat to coordinate something of that magnitude. I've had the pleasure of experiencing 60 heavy horse (10 teams) move under harness simultaneously, the earth literally moves under your feet. Wow!
Historically, as General Monash was combining armour, infantry and air power in Europe, General Allenby was doing it in Palestine at the same time. Monash, great soldier that he was, gets the credit. I'm going out on a limb here but Australian generals invented Blitzkrieg.