AFSOC Prior Service Questions


Verified Military
Mar 17, 2015
Hello gents

I am currently and airborne infantryman, and nearing that point when I need to decide if I am going to get out or stay in. I still have a ways to go before this point, but I am one of those that does not like to live life without an idea of what I want/ what I am doing.

My two options as of now are stay in, and try to go Army SOF, or get out, pursue a LE career and be in a NG unit.

My questions for y'all are;

What is the tempo of both NG TACP and PJ units? At this point I do not want to join my army NG because I have heard so many horror stories, (mine specifically but in general about Infantry NG units) and I think I would rather be a full civilian than deal with that assfuckery.
I am just hoping/wondering if the more "high speed" AFNG units are any better?

Also, as prior service would it even be feasible? From what I understand, going active army to active AF by means of an inter-service transfer is nearly impossible, just don't know if it would be the same on the NG side of the house.

We have at least two current or former ANG TACP's on the board. I'm sure one of them will be along shortly.
Hello gents

I am currently and airborne infantryman, and nearing that point when I need to decide if I am going to get out or stay in. I still have a ways to go before this point, but I am one of those that does not like to live life without an idea of what I want/ what I am doing.

My two options as of now are stay in, and try to go Army SOF, or get out, pursue a LE career and be in a NG unit.

My questions for y'all are;

What is the tempo of both NG TACP and PJ units? At this point I do not want to join my army NG because I have heard so many horror stories, (mine specifically but in general about Infantry NG units) and I think I would rather be a full civilian than deal with that assfuckery.
I am just hoping/wondering if the more "high speed" AFNG units are any better?

Also, as prior service would it even be feasible? From what I understand, going active army to active AF by means of an inter-service transfer is nearly impossible, just don't know if it would be the same on the NG side of the house.

AF was accepting PJ candidates who are prior service.
Have you talked to a recruiter?
Tempo for ANG units was basically the same as for active duty when the shows were going on. I would imagine ( I've been out a while) the ops tempo has curtailed a bit. With an AFSC like TACP however, there is usually ample training and schools to be had. As far as inter-service transfers, it is not impossible. I did it.

I am assuming you are at the 82nd in Fayette-nam? If so, is NC where you would stay?

I am actually 4-25 in AK @Red-Dot but home for me is NY, so that is where I would plan on going. @reed11b I have breifly talked to recruiters. The time difference makes it difficult, seeing as I wake up when it is midnight EST. I was told that I had to be withing 120 days of my seperation to even start the process, and their would be no garuntee I would be accepted. Last thing I would want is to pursue that and then be out of the army, planning on joining the AF, and then not be able to.
@Red-Dot Would love to have an inside view of what the TACP life is actually like. I believe it most likely isnt what the AF makes it seem like (Operator as fuck). Our TACP's dont get to do much of anything fromthe little exposure I have had with them but it seems this is because we have so many FO's that are JTAC qualified (as far as I understand) in the BDE. Like I said, just wondering what day to day life is like.
@Red-Dot Would love to have an inside view of what the TACP life is actually like. I believe it most likely isnt what the AF makes it seem like (Operator as fuck). Our TACP's dont get to do much of anything fromthe little exposure I have had with them but it seems this is because we have so many FO's that are JTAC qualified (as far as I understand) in the BDE. Like I said, just wondering what day to day life is like.
I will give you a shout back this weekend! Do you have specific questions? Also, @CDG can give you some quality input. I am sure he will be along shortly.
@Red-Dot Would love to have an inside view of what the TACP life is actually like. I believe it most likely isnt what the AF makes it seem like (Operator as fuck). Our TACP's dont get to do much of anything fromthe little exposure I have had with them but it seems this is because we have so many FO's that are JTAC qualified (as far as I understand) in the BDE. Like I said, just wondering what day to day life is like.

This is not correct. The only Army soldiers that become JTACs are 75th Ranger Regiment or Special Forces Regiment personnel. FOs become JFOs, which carries its own currency and training requirements. They ARE NOT JTACs though. Many think they are, and that it's basically the same thing. It is not.

That out of the way, ANG OPTEMPO is pretty much non-existent from a deployment standpoint, but there plenty of training opportunities. Each squadron will be different, but we have had several prior service Army guys join the unit. I think only one made it through, but the point is that it's possible to join up for a shot.
What CDG says is correct. The Army dudes are JFO's, they are not JTAC's. Also as CDG mentioned the only Army dudes that are qual'd as JTAC's are SOTAC's which are found in Ranger Batts and ODA's. Early on in the Iraqi war these dudes were far and few between and ANG ASOS JTAC's would step in and fill the void (the active ASOS dudes had their own units to augment).

I'm sure the ops tempo has slowed. When I was in, (during both Iraq and A-Stan) if you wanted to stay deployed, that was not a problem. I had friends in my unit that had gone over four, five, six times.

Training for ANG ASOS's are usually high paced when they have weekend drills as there is a lot of training to cram in a short period of time. If you are a JTAC, you must stay current so CAS trips must be scheduled for that purpose. Also most all ASOS have virtual trainers now which is very handy.
@Red-Dot @CDG Both of these have been rather insightful, thank you. It is nice to hear that the weekend drills are not like alot of the army ones I have heard of (camping trip with a BBQ).
I figured as much about the depolyment tempo seeing as the entire military is at the same tempo right now it seems.
we have had several prior service Army guys join the unit. I think only one made it through, but the point is that it's possible to join up for a shot.

Do you have any idea what sort of challenges I should expect that might be unique to me as a prior service guy/was there a common reason these PS dudes didnt make it?
Wow really? I wouldn't expect that...
Attitude can cause a failure.

I.e. I have seen "I am an Army Stud who will crush any pussy event the AF comes up with" humble more then one wannabee.
It's a selection course, and you are always getting graded.

@CDG is the course here in San Antonio yet?