AST tentatively identifies Helo-1 crash victims as pilot Mel Nading, Talkeetna trooper Tage Toll and snowmachiner Carl Ober.
The events leading to the crash began shortly after 7:30 p.m. Saturday, when Palmer troopers received a report that Ober was stranded while snowmachining near Larson Lake around 7:35 p.m. Troopers said Nading took off in Helo-1, picking up Toll before heading out to the search area -- standard AST procedure for a search-and-rescue flight.
"There's always a spotter on board," Mallard said, noting that the position is sometimes taken by a member of a rescue group rather than a trooper.
An initial dispatch on the crash Sunday said that Ober was found at about 10 p.m.
“Helo-1 located the snowmachiner, landed, and picked him up,” troopers wrote.
Troopers said the last contact with Helo-1 occurred about an hour later.
“At approximately (11:17 p.m.), Helo 1 was enroute to Sunshine Tesoro to meet with medics, but never arrived,” troopers wrote.
A search and rescue effort was intiated after contact with Helo-1 was lost. Just after 9:30 a.m. Sunday, the 11th Air Force's Rescue Coordination Center located the crash site, but found no survivors.
Alaska National Guard spokesperson Kalei Rupp said poor weather conditions prevented a search for the helicopter, which was reported overdue around 1 a.m. Sunday. Search efforts continued at about 5 a.m., with AST serving as the lead agency in the incident.
The identities of the victims weren't released until Monday, as authorities contacted family and friends.
"This tragedy is going to have a very profound effect on all the employees of the Department of Public Safety, the Alaska State Troopers, [and] the search and rescue community, " Peters said. "Helo-1 is our main helicopter that goes out and Helo-1 has pulled so many people from the Alaska wilderness."
Melvin “Mel” Nading, 55, was hired in December 2000 to be the primary pilot for the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s Helo-1 in support of various missions. During Nading’s 13 years with the Department, he was the primary search and rescue pilot for the department, and interacted with other agencies to coordinate search and rescue efforts. As the sole day-and-night (instrument flight rules IFR) capable helicopter, Helo-1 is the most effective asset for SAR. This aircraft has more than fulfilled the department’s mission requirements in Southcentral Alaska with saves and critical missions being performed on a near weekly basis. In addition, Nading provided helicopter support to Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers for law enforcement missions to include the Special Emergency Reaction Team when needed. For various periods of times throughout his career, Nading was the only pilot certified to fly Helo-1. Shortly after he was hired, Nading was instrumental in acquiring and equipping the AS-350B3 (A-Star) helicopter that in 2002 replaced the aging Bell aircraft as Helo-1. Nading also ensured the helicopter received appropriate maintenance and keeps detailed records of flight hours, expenses, certification and equipment needs. Additionally, Nading was an instructor pilot for both the department’s A-Star and R-44 helicopters and routinely certified department pilots on both aircraft.
In 2012 alone, Nading flew over 200 hours on SAR flights, patrols, test and training flights, investigations for police and state agencies. He logged 983 contacts, 73 rescues, 13 medical evacuations, recovered eight bodies and assisted with two arrests.
Because of his experience, Nading was well-known and well-respected among the search and rescue community and was known for his attention to safety. He also received six letters of thanks from people and their families for rescues that year. In 2008, he and Sgt. Bryan Barlow were recipients of the Governors Denali Award Peak Performance from the governor and received a Commendation for Meritorious Service for saving the life of a kayaker caught in a bore tide on July 29, 2007. Due to Nading’s phenomenal flying skills, he was able to hold the helicopter steady and close to the waters as Barlow leaned out and pulled the kayaker from Turnagain Arm, saving the man’s life. This is just one of the countless rescues Nading can be credited with.
Nading is originally from Manchester, Iowa. Nading is survived by his wife, three grown daughters and five granddaughters.

My wife and I worked many times with Trooper Mel when we were employed at Anchorage International airport. At one point, I fabbed up a FARP site kit using what I remembered from watching 160th guys do it, so he could continue operations when flight time to/from PANC would have resulted in only 10 minutes of time on target.
Fantastic guy to work with and be around. Alaska's lost a couple of great men and one of their most important law enforcement and SAR assets in one swoop.
Mel's start in helicopters dates back to Vietnam and when I last discussed flight hours with him, he had on the order of +35,000 hours in various airframes.
The events leading to the crash began shortly after 7:30 p.m. Saturday, when Palmer troopers received a report that Ober was stranded while snowmachining near Larson Lake around 7:35 p.m. Troopers said Nading took off in Helo-1, picking up Toll before heading out to the search area -- standard AST procedure for a search-and-rescue flight.
"There's always a spotter on board," Mallard said, noting that the position is sometimes taken by a member of a rescue group rather than a trooper.
An initial dispatch on the crash Sunday said that Ober was found at about 10 p.m.
“Helo-1 located the snowmachiner, landed, and picked him up,” troopers wrote.
Troopers said the last contact with Helo-1 occurred about an hour later.
“At approximately (11:17 p.m.), Helo 1 was enroute to Sunshine Tesoro to meet with medics, but never arrived,” troopers wrote.
A search and rescue effort was intiated after contact with Helo-1 was lost. Just after 9:30 a.m. Sunday, the 11th Air Force's Rescue Coordination Center located the crash site, but found no survivors.
Alaska National Guard spokesperson Kalei Rupp said poor weather conditions prevented a search for the helicopter, which was reported overdue around 1 a.m. Sunday. Search efforts continued at about 5 a.m., with AST serving as the lead agency in the incident.
The identities of the victims weren't released until Monday, as authorities contacted family and friends.
"This tragedy is going to have a very profound effect on all the employees of the Department of Public Safety, the Alaska State Troopers, [and] the search and rescue community, " Peters said. "Helo-1 is our main helicopter that goes out and Helo-1 has pulled so many people from the Alaska wilderness."
Melvin “Mel” Nading, 55, was hired in December 2000 to be the primary pilot for the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s Helo-1 in support of various missions. During Nading’s 13 years with the Department, he was the primary search and rescue pilot for the department, and interacted with other agencies to coordinate search and rescue efforts. As the sole day-and-night (instrument flight rules IFR) capable helicopter, Helo-1 is the most effective asset for SAR. This aircraft has more than fulfilled the department’s mission requirements in Southcentral Alaska with saves and critical missions being performed on a near weekly basis. In addition, Nading provided helicopter support to Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers for law enforcement missions to include the Special Emergency Reaction Team when needed. For various periods of times throughout his career, Nading was the only pilot certified to fly Helo-1. Shortly after he was hired, Nading was instrumental in acquiring and equipping the AS-350B3 (A-Star) helicopter that in 2002 replaced the aging Bell aircraft as Helo-1. Nading also ensured the helicopter received appropriate maintenance and keeps detailed records of flight hours, expenses, certification and equipment needs. Additionally, Nading was an instructor pilot for both the department’s A-Star and R-44 helicopters and routinely certified department pilots on both aircraft.
In 2012 alone, Nading flew over 200 hours on SAR flights, patrols, test and training flights, investigations for police and state agencies. He logged 983 contacts, 73 rescues, 13 medical evacuations, recovered eight bodies and assisted with two arrests.
Because of his experience, Nading was well-known and well-respected among the search and rescue community and was known for his attention to safety. He also received six letters of thanks from people and their families for rescues that year. In 2008, he and Sgt. Bryan Barlow were recipients of the Governors Denali Award Peak Performance from the governor and received a Commendation for Meritorious Service for saving the life of a kayaker caught in a bore tide on July 29, 2007. Due to Nading’s phenomenal flying skills, he was able to hold the helicopter steady and close to the waters as Barlow leaned out and pulled the kayaker from Turnagain Arm, saving the man’s life. This is just one of the countless rescues Nading can be credited with.
Nading is originally from Manchester, Iowa. Nading is survived by his wife, three grown daughters and five granddaughters.

My wife and I worked many times with Trooper Mel when we were employed at Anchorage International airport. At one point, I fabbed up a FARP site kit using what I remembered from watching 160th guys do it, so he could continue operations when flight time to/from PANC would have resulted in only 10 minutes of time on target.
Fantastic guy to work with and be around. Alaska's lost a couple of great men and one of their most important law enforcement and SAR assets in one swoop.
Mel's start in helicopters dates back to Vietnam and when I last discussed flight hours with him, he had on the order of +35,000 hours in various airframes.