An "underground" to hide kids from Family Court -

Actually 3 kids will, not just the missing one. He'd been in jail for abuse and the article doesn't mention any restraining order but pretty sure people believed her. That doesn't stop someone from flipping and acting out. The article you linked really has nothing to do with the thread subject though. It wasn't a custody battle, she wasn't making false charges of abuse and they were following the court orders. A fellow ex-wife even said she was surprised that it happened.

I am very passionate about DV issues so I apologize if I was getting off subject.

My point with the article was that the underground systems, the shelters, etc. They are there to save lives it is not some sort of hang out for bitter divorced women seeking revenge on the men who have done them wrong. Unfortunately, there will always be those out there ready to take advantage of anything and everything. But for the women and children who want to get out and want to save their lives that's what they are there for. By looking at the history of the ex husband in that article I don't know why she ever got involved with him to begin with or have a child with him! But again that is beside the point. Maybe at some time she did try to get help and nobody would pay any attention to her because she was just another "abuse victim". I don't know all the details of their relationship. Or maybe in the divorce hearings she did try to prove that he was psycho? But they all thought she was just being vindictive. For whatever reason he was allowed to have joint custody and was allowed the opportunity to take this woman's life. Maybe if she had reached out to a shelter or even an underground network...she would be alive today. Or maybe she thought it wasn't that serious and I will just be the brave ex wife and stand up to him like everybody wants me too. We see where that got her.