Antibiotics vs Immune system

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Olive Drab

Verified SOF
Verified SOF
Sep 15, 2006
What the consensus on getting antibiotics vs letting the immune system fight a chest cold? Im getting mixed opinions here.
As opposed to an occult virus like Swine Flu, normal influenza, if treated, will last about seven days, if not treated will last about week.
I treat with Echinacea and apparently the liquid variety is better than tabs. I take Zinc as well. But rum or scotch work well too. ;)
Ex-nurse. I saw a LOT of unneeded antibiotics proscribed in my day, so I'm in the 'we abuse antibiotics' crowd. I try to hack it out on my own. If I'm still hacking and coughing after 10 days, then I'll see the doc.
Do you have a fever? Are you coughing anything up? If so, what does it look like? How long has it lasted.

If you have a fever and are coughing alot of green stuff up, have some post nasal drip and a sore throat you may have an Upper Respiratory Infection. If so, I would say you need some antibiotics. If you are just coughing alot of stuff up you may still need antibiotics

On the flip side if you are somewhere you get 8 hours of sleep, do not put too much stress on yourself and can fight an infection. If you cannot do all those things I would get yourself checked and get some drugs
Colds, and any other disease caused by a virus will NOT be effected by an antib iotic (which only work on microbes) They would only become becessary if the patient deveolped a secondary microbial infection on top of the viral illness. I'm a BIg proponent of letting the fever run its course (unless of course it gets to an unsafe level) It is your body's natural defense against the "invader" Let the lil bugger FRY!!!! I usually put myself to bed with a steamy mug o honey sweetened tea laced with a "wee drop o the Irish"
You need to get it cultured to know if you need an antibiotic - I'm with the Geek and Annie here - know what you're dealing with prior to throing ABX at it... Lots of civvy docs are now hitting everything with a cocktail of Tamiflu and Cephalosporins... 'just to be safe' - idiots.

Sleep, fluids, and if you can find somebody that knows how to perform Frappage - you will be ok.
For ME, I can't speak to you OD, but I've never had a cold move to my lungs that didn't require antibiotics to clear it up. I have chronic sinusitis and once it migrates to my lungs it is only a matter of time before I have to take antibiotics to clear it up. I know others that aren't in that boat, they can recover without them, but once I start coughing up any liquid for longer than a day or two I know I need something to help me out.

That's my position, like I said I know others that don't need them. My track record says otherwise.
For ME, I can't speak to you OD, but I've never had a cold move to my lungs that didn't require antibiotics to clear it up. I have chronic sinusitis and once it migrates to my lungs it is only a matter of time before I have to take antibiotics to clear it up. I know others that aren't in that boat, they can recover without them, but once I start coughing up any liquid for longer than a day or two I know I need something to help me out.

That's my position, like I said I know others that don't need them. My track record says otherwise.

Do you take your entire course of ABX as prescribed? huh? Do ya?:D
Do you take your entire course of ABX as prescribed? huh? Do ya?:D

Personally, I only take my meds till I feel better, then I save the rest till the next time I feel sick so I don't have to pay for another doctor visit. :P
Personally, I only take my meds till I feel better, then I save the rest till the next time I feel sick so I don't have to pay for another doctor visit. :P

Bad move Bro' Take all anti's as prescribed. If you use them later the micro bial builds up an immunity from the previous medication. This is what any doctor will tell you regarding the use of anti's that are not somewhat specific to the virus bug at hand. I've tried like many others and it's never worked for me. My mother alway's had a bottle of Tetrocycline and insisted that I take it, but It nothing for me.

I'm a believer in "frying" the bug by letting the fever break it's self and plenty of liquids and chicken noodle soup. Although If I had any higher a fever I would have sought out medical attention immediatley.

The last time I developed a fever it was 103 degrees at one point. I simply sweated it out, shivered a bit and it finally broke and I did not need to see my doc.

That's just my experience with the last bug I had back in April of this year.

Bad move Bro' Take all anti's as prescribed. If you use them later the micro bial builds up an immunity from the previous medication. This is what any doctor will tell you regarding the use of anti's that are not somewhat specific to the virus bug at hand. I've tried like many others and it's never worked for me. My mother alway's had a bottle of Tetrocycline and insisted that I take it, but It nothing for me.

I'm a believer in "frying" the bug by letting the fever break it's self and plenty of liquids and chicken noodle soup. Although If I had any higher a fever I would have sought out medical attention immediatley.

The last time I developed a fever it was 103 degrees at one point. I simply sweated it out, shivered a bit and it finally broke and I did not need to see my doc.

That's just my experience with the last bug I had back in April of this year.


Wilco sir.

BTW, I was just smarting off to the Troll; hence the smilie. :P
Sucked it up and its finally gone after a little over a week.
Last time I tried that though, I had the chest infection for almost a month. I think for now on, Ill give it a half a week and go from there.
When you die from an ABX resistant bug, I get your guns ... right?:doh::evil:

(there's a smiley for you, smartass:D)

Only the ones that aren't buried; you'd need a treasure map to find them all... :evil:
OD - the Doc I worked with for the 5 months prior to being moved to where I am now, that's what he recommended. let your body fight for itself for 4-7 days, if no change, come back and we'll get more in depth. SIW.
GENERALLY- you do not take antibiotics for a cold or other viral infection. That isn't to say you won't be Rx'd antibiotics while you have a virus. The AB's are for secondary infections that your body may contract while your immune system is depressed.

For example, if you contract what my very PC Paramedic proctor referred to as "The Booty Flu", and your cat scratches you, and that wound becomes infected, you will be placed on antibiotics. Those antibiotics aren't going to do shit for your Hi-Five, but they'll fight the Staph bacteria that your kitty left in your skin, that you USED to be able to fight off yourself....just like you used to be able to fight off your boyfriend.
Personally, I only take my meds till I feel better, then I save the rest till the next time I feel sick so I don't have to pay for another doctor visit. :P

:eek:Ugggghhhhh.....I'm going to beat you with my stethoscope while someone tells you in a very German voice why this is bad. The combination of kinesthetic and auditory learning should have a long lasting effect.
Since this thread is about Immune System vs Antibiotics

When you're in the field, do you ever administer antibiotics to your own men? Or do you have their immune systems fight it out?

I understand how overtime in austere conditions, or conditions of high physical intensity with minimal sleep, the human bodies immune system can take a crap on you.

But for something like a "Cold" or "Flu" (I know Cold is a virus, can't be treated via antibiotic, but you get the point) would you just administer the person an antibiotic (if you had them on hand), or would you have the person fight it out? Or would that be case by case per your discretion?

Are enough antibiotics typically administered in amounts/within time line needed to create antibacterial resistance to troops in the field? or are they rarely administered?
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