I'm currently activating from IRR to Reserve, just waiting on orders to report at present. I have been told by many friends that going from an 11B in the 82nd to a MI job in the Reserves will be an unpleasant experience.
A few that got out around the time I did and each went to the reserves around their hometowns have all said I will be stunned by the lack of discipline in a reserve "pogue" unit. One recalls seeing a new private back-talk a E-6 with no repercussions. I am concerned, I lost my "5" due to never attending WLC before ETS but when I get it back, if I take fire from a private I'm going to have him in the lawn for a substantial period of time.
Is this a no-go in MI units? Particularly reserve? I don't want to seem like a hardcase or excessively gung-ho but I also would hope that soldiers actually act like soldiers while on duty, and leave the bullshit to the other 28 days of the month they are on their own. I suppose this is mostly speculation now and can partly be attributed to me being anxious to get back in the swing of things, but the more old airborne buddies I get in contact with who are doing the Reserve or Nasty-Girl thing seem to all have the same story to tell.
A few that got out around the time I did and each went to the reserves around their hometowns have all said I will be stunned by the lack of discipline in a reserve "pogue" unit. One recalls seeing a new private back-talk a E-6 with no repercussions. I am concerned, I lost my "5" due to never attending WLC before ETS but when I get it back, if I take fire from a private I'm going to have him in the lawn for a substantial period of time.
Is this a no-go in MI units? Particularly reserve? I don't want to seem like a hardcase or excessively gung-ho but I also would hope that soldiers actually act like soldiers while on duty, and leave the bullshit to the other 28 days of the month they are on their own. I suppose this is mostly speculation now and can partly be attributed to me being anxious to get back in the swing of things, but the more old airborne buddies I get in contact with who are doing the Reserve or Nasty-Girl thing seem to all have the same story to tell.