I'm tracking. I've been hastily throwing this together.
I wrote a journal during my deployment, most of it was for myself as something extra to do and for self enlightenment in my later years, so I thought. I'm sure I've mentioned this before.
To this day I haven't opened that journal, most of what I wrote was just things that stood out to me, ergo: something that made me laugh, something odd, training, or something that was a serious.
Lately I'd thought that I'd hand it down to the kids. For what it's worth, my Grandfather was a B24 pilot in the USAF and left behind zero stories for his grand kids about WW2 Europe-Korea. Kids just want to hear stories, until just recently, I've forgotten what it was to be a kid and listen to stories people told (among family.) I just wish my Grandfather would have shared. Even now, I think of him as a hero in my eyes, it would have been great if he told us something, anything to tell my kids.
I'm gonna break it out and tell my kid before a time comes and I can't.
I never really liked writing in middle school or anytime before though. I did it because I had to which took all the fun out of it. I was in a Creative Writing 1&2 as a sophomore. Creative writing was a different experience, and allowed the students to write, not laborious papers that followed rails set by the teacher. More like painting in written form. Most of the students in this class were eccentric and to include myself somewhat. Found a good use for my witty humor, the junior smart hottie in my class. Which was the reason I stuck with the class in the first place.
Universal truth in any circumstance: the hottie made me do it.
Writing to me is pen and paper, lines, and expressing thoughts, which 15 years ago had morphed into typed thoughts stored on in word processor. Laptops made the pen and paper irrelevant and antiquated. The medium evolves with technology.
Am I writing? Well sorta, not really going for a published work.
An audience of one is all any writer really needs.
Therefore a forum is a conduit for humble writers and those that don't need a NYTimes bestseller Achievement.
By the way I've read some of the archives and current posts here and some of the writing skills you guys have are noteworthy, don't be surprised people like Serenity come here and commend you guys on writing.