As an Army 42A reservist, how can I attend the RTI at Camp Williams to reclass to the 35 series?


Dec 29, 2020
Hello! I am a 42A reservist that is looking to reclass to the 35 series, preferably 35L or 35F. I am interested in going to Camp Williams in Utah (the National Guard Regional Training Institute) that offers shortened reclass courses, replacing AIT. Does anyone have any advice on how I can find these slots or how I can attend this school?

Thank you so much for your help!
Hello! I am a 42A reservist that is looking to reclass to the 35 series, preferably 35L or 35F. I am interested in going to Camp Williams in Utah (the National Guard Regional Training Institute) that offers shortened reclass courses, replacing AIT. Does anyone have any advice on how I can find these slots or how I can attend this school?

Thank you so much for your help!

Find a reserve unit that has 35 series billets and call them. You're not going to get a reclass slot if you're not currently sitting in a billet. Just ask if they have any vacancies or are able to double slot.
Hello! I am a 42A reservist that is looking to reclass to the 35 series, preferably 35L or 35F. I am interested in going to Camp Williams in Utah (the National Guard Regional Training Institute) that offers shortened reclass courses, replacing AIT. Does anyone have any advice on how I can find these slots or how I can attend this school?

Thank you so much for your help!
Have you reviewed the 35L requirements on IKN? You'll need to contact a recruiter or the units directly as @Florida173 said. For 35L you'll likely need to interview with the gaining unit to see if they'll take you to begin with.
Hello! I am a 42A reservist that is looking to reclass to the 35 series, preferably 35L or 35F. I am interested in going to Camp Williams in Utah (the National Guard Regional Training Institute) that offers shortened reclass courses, replacing AIT. Does anyone have any advice on how I can find these slots or how I can attend this school?

Thank you so much for your help!
I went through the 640th RTI pretty recently. Reserve students came from the MIRC units (Military Intelligence Readiness Command). National Guard came from a variety of Military Intelligence Brigades. Get in touch with a Readiness NCO for a unit that has the MOS/slot that you want.

Keep in mind that a gaining unit has no obligation to send you to Camp Williams. But hey, all you can do is at least ask. Good luck.

- Crimson