Australian Army Bans "Arrogant" Symbols


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Umm, this stuff is bad and somehow harmful to organizations that take life? Okay...

Army bans troops from wearing 'death' symbols

Australian army chief orders ban on so-called ‘death symbols’

The U.S. military doesn’t appear to be following Australia’s lead in banning so-called “death symbols” such as the Jolly Roger, the Punisher, the Phantom, Spartans and the Grim Reaper.

Soldiers Down Under can no longer use such imagery on things like informal patches and badges because of an order issued recently by Lt. Gen. Angus Campbell, the incoming Australian Defense Force chief who now heads the nation’s army.

Titled “Use of Symbols in Army,” the directive is aimed at symbols that are “at odds with Army’s values and the ethical force we seek to build and sustain.”

The skull and crossbones is linked with “maritime outlaws and murderers,” the comic book characters the Phantom and the Punisher promote “vigilantes,” Spartans encouraged “extreme militarism,” and the Grim Reaper is “the bringer of death,” according to the order.
The Submariners are not in the Army, so won't have to worry about this bit of PC social engineering. Or at least until Angus sits down at his new desk in the CDFs office in the not too distant future...

A mate just sent me some pics of my old unit boozer. Two of the Company murals have been covered by plywood as the logos have non conforming themes. I've also seen pics of guys scraping offending murals off of the roller doors on Company Q Stores.

On the upside after a massive social media backlash headlined by a couple of open letters and media pieces by a Medal of Gallantry recipient, the CA has relaxed his initial decree and units can appeal the ruling.


So units like Bravo Company 6RAR who have been known as the Phantoms since 1966, should hopefully be able to go back to using their logos on their PT shirts and on signage around the Battalion area.
Don't CGs have enough to do without sitting around figuring out ways to emasculate the warrior image? I'm still pissed our Marine Raiders were denied their original patch.

For chrissake, sew your balls back on, General.
Sweet Jesus, that is some PC bullshit right there. Hope things get better for the guys in the Australian Army. Wonder what made the General make that asinine decision, like, is he running for some political office and trying to score brownie points with the Australian left?

edit: Nevermind, saw he's getting promoted to Chief of the Defense Force hence the shenanigans.
One of the aussies with us now was joking that he'd have to take a knife to his grim reaper tattoo on his sleeve. They're not happy with this general.
For some context, General Campbell was a Troop and Squadron Commander in SASR, and then CO 2RAR. He also spent 5 years seconded to the department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet out of un.
He didn't need to pull stunts to become CDF. That was pretty much pre ordained.