Basic Reconnaissance Course

Back in my day.....sounds awesome. I'm glad the course is still a fucking Man-Course....I saw the documentary and I knew a lot of the guys.
It was a mix of both
Congratulations. Did you have a lot of guys there that came from SOI who volunteered?[/quoteThere were a lot of guys from soi in the course, but I'm not sure how many of the volunteered.
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Actually, I'm training right now for BRC. Anything specific you might suggest besides running and swimming? I've focused on SEALfit and Crossfit endurance, basically taking the sensible parts of them for combining. (like today was :30 on/:30 off in the pool until form fails and SEALfit is 4 miles timed, and a 30minute AMRAP burpees/squat jumps/dips)
Google Marine Recon 0321, there's a site ran by the 1stSgt, of BRC, that will have all of the knots and other pertinent information you'll need.
Congrats on the accomplishment!
I'd also like to say in ITB's defense that we do our best to talk the pretty obvious DOR's out of MART before they leave us... although many of them end up dropped anyway. Do you know if recruiters are still telling kids about the DOR to just be an 11 route? I know they were having serious problems with that for a while. If a recruiter didnt have any infantry slots available for his district he would "suggest" that the kid take a contract for recon, DOR asap and then he'd just get kicked back to the fleet as a rifleman.
My recruiter told me that Recon contracts are given to one recruiting station a year. Also that, the one individual he gave that contract too, got a DUI and screwed his whole life up. -_-
Congrats, keep your shit screwed down tight... any qualifying course is just the entrance exam to the real learning.
Thank you. I'm trying to attend any school possible to better myself. I've spent the last two weeks learning how to keep my feet and knees together.
On active duty, they can go straight to Force but that is dependent upon the needs of the unit they are going to.

There is no screening for a reserve force reconnaissance company. There is really no difference between a reserve force recon company and a reserve recon battalion company.
i am currently Motor T looking to go Recon. but i am picking up Sgt this year. Not sure if lat moving to Recon and going through SOI then to BRC would be a good idea. but if i pick up sgt then when i get off this MSG duty i will not be eligible for MARSOC (original plan) because of being a Sgt 2yrs TIG. Any insight on if this is a good idea or not?
I am not in any SOF unit, so I can't speak to your question, but you might want to clean up your grammar a bit. Attention to detail is just as much of an asset as physical tenacity.
I have no clue if you are conversing with me SkrewzLoose but yes, let me break down what I said Barney style so the obvious can be expressed into greater and easier detail.

My primary MOS is 3531 Motor Transport Operator. I am looking to lateral move (switch career paths in the US Military) into Recon or MARSOC. I plan to pick up Sergeant later this year. Lateral Moving to an Infantry MOS and going to the School of Infantry as a Sergeant seems like a bad idea. Has anyone on this forum experienced this issue before or knows of Marines who have Lateral Moved into Recon from other MOS's as an NCO.

So if this was beligerant, but I did not realize that we correct one another on a forum. Save that for when you are Garrison or whatever you do.