***Shit I cannot spell today, belligerent****
I have no clue if you are conversing with me SkrewzLoose but yes, let me break down what I said Barney style so the obvious can be expressed into greater and easier detail.....
So if this was beligerant, but I did not realize that we correct one another on a forum. Save that for when you are Garrison or whatever you do.
I have no clue if you are conversing with me SkrewzLoose but yes, let me break down what I said Barney style so the obvious can be expressed into greater and easier detail.
My primary MOS is 3531 Motor Transport Operator. I am looking to lateral move (switch career paths in the US Military) into Recon or MARSOC. I plan to pick up Sergeant later this year. Lateral Moving to an Infantry MOS and going to the School of Infantry as a Sergeant seems like a bad idea. Has anyone on this forum experienced this issue before or knows of Marines who have Lateral Moved into Recon from other MOS's as an NCO.
So if this was beligerant, but I did not realize that we correct one another on a forum. Save that for when you are Garrison or whatever you do.
Thank you, ritterk! That really helped and you are right, I should decide myself. Do you have any idea if there has been an updated requirement list for this fiscal year? What really helped you with the lat move? To whom shall I speak to since I am on MSG duty and I really do not have a CRS?
And not just train, what subjects should I be proficient in before going to BRC?
I appreciate it xSF med, walra107, and Teufel. I checked those sites out and found great information, thanks again for the help.Attention to detail ... Teufel added this link http://www.marinerecon0321.com/Brc.html to his response, it lets you know what the course entails... use your smarts, do a little digging, and figure it out.... you need to be creative, self reliant, and intelligent. Do not expect every answer to be handed to you, adapt and overcome.
The other link provided has the course overview and packing list... if they mention a subject, at least be familiar with what it entails - but I'm sure the firehose will be open wide in the course, be prepared to drink deeply, or drown.
I will reiterate a previous statement - Act like a Professional NCO, individual leadership and motivation have to come first. On the battlefield nobody will give you answers.
I wont add onto anything more to this, x SF med's correct with self reliance, and intelligence, and he's a badass so nothing more needs to be said lol.
And not just train, what subjects should I be proficient in before going to BRC?