"Battling Bare" for PTSD


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
The idea of spouses posing topless sounded a bit "attention whorish" to me until I checked out the pics, which are pretty tastefully done IMO.


U.S. military wives are exposing their emotions as well as their bodies in an effort to speak out about their husbands' struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder. The Battling BARE campaign began at Fort Campbell, a U.S. Army base on the Tennessee-Kentucky border, when founder and military wife Ashley Wise posted a photo of herself online, nude and holding her husband's gun, with a pledge scrawled on her bare back. Wise's mission to unite women like herself in combatting the stigma attached to PTSD resonated with people across the country, rocketing the Facebook page's following to more than 16,000 in less than two months. The
"au naturel"
pics keep coming, along with the aim to help army wives remember that they're not alone.

link to the pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/....196134580509019.39479.173819619407182&type=3
Love the one with husband and wife showing both wedding rings and his lost finger tips.
The one that Dame mentioned is a Submariner (according to the hat the wife is wearing) and there's one other picture I remember where there was a baby dressed up in blue digis (picture #6). I did a quick google search on the sub and found nothing catastrophic. I wonder what the story is behind those 2 pictures.